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"Wake up you two love birds" my dad says walking into my room. "Yeah, yeah" I say as I roll over to see Shawn still laying in his window seal as well fast asleep. "Breakfast is down stairs" my dad says walking up to me giving me a kiss on my head and walks out my bedroom door. I'm not sure why both of these houses have a reading nook or window bed in them honestly but they sure do come in handy. "Good morning little muffin, daddy's girl I see" he says slowly sitting up and stretching. "Oh hush I thought you were asleep over there" I say. "I was but who can sleep with a loud girlfriend saying Yeah, Yeah to her father." He says as I sit up looking out my window to notice that my mom's car was gone. "What's wrong" he quickly says as he had noticed I was confused. "Oh nothing I was just wandering where my moms car is" I say looking back at him. "I'm going downstairs to eat breakfast I'll be back in a bit ok" I say as I got up from the window seal and folded my blanket up laying it down. "Ok I'll be down stairs or I'll be up here, love you" he says as he as well got up and walked downstairs.

"Thanks dad" I said eating my French toast and bacon and eggs. "Do we have any orange juice" I ask as my dad opens the fridge. "Yeah we have apple also, which one do you want me to fix" he said questioning me. "Umm I'll take Apple." I said as he pored some into a glass. "Thanks" I said as he slid it down the bar to me. "You have fun last night with Shawn" he asks propping his elbows on the counter while drinking his morning coffee. "Yeah I did, he's not like those other guys dad" I said being truly honest with him because yes I'm daddy's little girl for sure and I can't even keep one secret away from him even if I tried really hard not too. "He seems like a really nice guy Everly I wouldn't let this one go" my dad says reassures my honesty and smiling at me. "Thanks dad, I love him. But not as much as you, you're the best father a daughter could ask for you know that"
"Aww I know you love me but don't forget about him. He definitely loves you" my father says as I had gotten up and walked to him giving him a hug. "My little girl is growing up and I understand that" he says I could tell he was crying as he hugged me. I had not had a heart to heart conversation like this one with my dad in a while actually I never have. He could tell I loved Shawn with my hole heart. "I will always love you daddy no matter where I go or what I do" I said as I soon felt soft tears fall off my cheeks. We just held one another for two minutes and never letting go. It was the best feeling in the world there's nothing like a heart to heart moment with your dad. "We're home I hear someone yell" it's mom as she walked in the kitchen I wiped off the tears still visible. "Everly!!" I hear as Ian turns the corner hugging me in his arms. "What, when, how, why?" I ask very quickly. "I wanted to come and see all of you in Canada before I leave for college" Ian says answering me. "Your a bit taller than the last time I saw you" he says smiling. "Wanna go outside and play some soccer" I ask as he nods his head.

Ian is my cousin he gets me his like my right hand man when I need him he's super nice and can always crack me up. This past year he had graduated so now he's headed off to some college for culinary school. He loves to cook he can make anything out of like two ingredients. He's really good I haven't seen him in about two years now I'm so glad he's back.


I watched her go in her backyard from my window. She was with some guy playing soccer. I felt a tension like one I've never felt before I was definitely jealous that she was spending time with him. I made me so mad, I was really frustrated. I shut my window and closed my dark blue curtains shut so I couldn't see them. I went and laid on my bed trying to get her out of my head. But it never worked I kept tossing and turning and I was never comfortable. I got up from the bed I had not even laid there for ten minutes and I just had to see what they were doing. I looked down noticing that she was now in the pool with him playing beach volleyball and her parents sat in the chairs along side the pool. She looked so hot in that black and grey bikini. But all I could still think about was that she was with another guy. I was so frustrated I thought I could trust her. I thought we were a thing that could never be broken. But as for my heart right now I'm torn into shreds. I don't understand didn't I give her all she wanted, every time she said I love you it was fake and those kisses must have been fake too. I was very annoyed and frustrated and confused all in one. I began to cry, I've never cried over a girl before. I loved her deeply and I didn't want anyone or anything hurting her. She's perfect and she's mine. I cried and cried I soon buried my face into my pillows on my bed and fell asleep crying.


Everly: babe you wanna go out to eat tonight I'm free.😜❤️
Big muffin: (no reply)
Everly: Shawn are you ok
Big muffin: (no reply)
Everly: Shawn plz answer me
Big muffin: (no reply)
Everly: Shawn I'm very worried about you are you ok, plz don't ignore me babe what's wrong
Big muffin: meet me at your window

I opened my window immediately to see Shawn crying. "Shawn who did this to you ok" I ask as I almost begin to cry. "Y..o..u...you" he mumbled out. "Wait what did I do to hurt you Shawn" I said starring straight at him. "You cheated on me right in front of me" "why would you do something like that" he says wiping tears off of his face. "When did I do this Shawn I've been home all day I haven't left this house" I say believing that he's gone crazy. "You played soccer with him and got in the pool with him and he hugged you and....." He said and the rest was all mumbling. "Shawn that's Ian my cousin" I said looking at him with a completely straight face. "How can this be" Shawn then asks. "Ian" I turn around and yell. "You need me or something" Ian says walking over to the window with me from my door. "Ian meet Shawn, Shawn meet Ian" I said as Shawn had a mad look on his face. "Ian can you please explain to Shawn that I'm not cheating on him with my cousin" I said while I waited for Ian to reply. "Hi Shawn, I'm Ian her cousin, I'm definitely not stealing your girl man, but if i weren't I might try to" he said as Shawn's face became more clearer. "Not on my watch Ian" Shawn said with a chuckle. "Hey Shawn come over when it gets dark we will have a volleyball game in the pool together and we can watch some hockey" Ian said as Shawn as Shawn nodded in agreement as Ian left my room. "Are we clear now" I said with a giggle. "Yeah you had my heart broken" he said looking at me. "I'm so sorry Shawn" I said as I was really and truly sorry for the pain I had caused him today. "It's ok I honestly would have got my anger out on his face but I'm so glad you clarified that. Can I come over at 7:30" he said as he then asked the time to come over. "Yes see ya in a bit, oh and I love that you get jealous when I'm around other guys" I said as I smirked a smile to him. "Well I don't like you hanging around guys i don't know" he said as he then added "see u at 7:30 love you" "see u at 7:30 love you too babe." I said back as I went downstairs to get the food ready for tonight.
We're having a luau.

Next chapter what happens at the luau?

Thank you once again for all the support couldn't asked for any better.
Love @Esdalton
#MendesArmy 🤘🏻❤️

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