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~A night out on the town~


It's 7:30 as I walk to her front door and knock on it. She opens the door with the most sweetest smile that could brighten anyone's gloomy day. "Hello my little muffin" I say giving her a hug as she shuts her front door. "I love you Shawn" she says as we walk to her garage as she gives me her keys to her Jeep. "May I" I say as I open the passenger side door for her as she gets in. "Thank you babe" she says as I slowly shut the door. I then walk to the drivers side and get in. "Oooooh it smells like coconuts and coffee" I say taking in the smell. She smiles then laughs a little as I pull out of the driveway on to the road. "Where are we going Shawn" she says looking over to me with a smile on her face. "Can't tell you" I say giving her a wink. "Shawn come on" she says crossing her arms in her lap and showing a fake pout on her face. "I can't tell you plus if I told you you still wouldn't know where it is" I say giving her a wink back as I drove into Toronto. "Are we going down town" she asks as she turns on John Mayer as we make our way into town. I didn't answer as we pulled into the resultant parking lot. "Welcome to Gusto my love" I say after parking the car as close as I could to the door. "Oh Italian, you know me too well Mendes" she says with a huge grin on her face. "That's about the only thing you ate while you were in the hospital, you told your parents you didn't want anything else" I say laughing a bit as she did also. "I did" she says laughing as I turn off the car and shut my door and make my way to the passenger to open her door. As I open the door she says "such a gentleman" as she pecks me on the cheek after I shut the door. We then make our way to the front door of Gusto's with our hands intertwined as I open the door for her as she walks on in. I walk to the counter as I look up to see Nash looking at me and Everly. "Ok you two are on a date" he says with a grin on his face. "Yes Nash" I say looking at Everly and looking back at him. "Ok you two can follow me then" Nash says as he made his way through a hallway with decorations on the walls to a private seating area that I had reserved two days ago. "Here you go" Nash says handing us our silverware and our menus across the table. "What may I get you two to drink tonight " he asks as we both reply with "you serve green tea" me and Everly both laugh as well as Nash. "Of course we do" Nash replies with a chuckle. "I'll be right back" Nash says as he made his way back to get our drinks. "I absolutely love you Shawn" Everly says as she reached her hand across the table to meet mine as she intertwined her fingers in mine. "Me too" I say as she smiles at me. "It's so beautiful here thank you so much" she says. "Not as beautiful as you sweetie" I says smiling at her as she smiles back as Nash comes back with our drinks as he sat them on the table in front of us. "So what would the lovely couple have tonight" he asks as I know Everly has no clue what to order. "We'll have the Polpette" I said as Nash wrote it down on his note book. "Ok you're dinner will be out in about fifteen minutes" Nash said as he took our menus from us. "What's a Polpette" she said with a confused look on her face. "It's pasta it has parmesan cheese and chicken in it, I promise it's really good" I say as she smiles at me and gives me a nod of ok. "Where are we going after dinner" she asks as I nod my head back and forth. "What you can't tell me can you Mendes" she says in a cute smirky way. "Nope I can't tell you my love" I say in a bit of an Italian speech. We then talk a bit about school and our families for a few minutes until Nash came back with our dinner. "Bon appétit" Nash says giving our plates to us. "Just tell me if you two need anything" Nash says as I then say "Thanks" as he then walked away. We began eating our food I was waiting on Everly to try hers first. "Yum, this is good Shawn, you sure do know what I like" she said after trying the pasta as she giggles a bit. "I knew you would love it" I say as I smiled and begin to eat mine.

We ate our dinner and talked for a bit before Nash was back with a receipt.
I paid for the meal as usual but I don't mind paying anything for Everly. She dissevers the world and everything about it. "This is on me" Nash said with a wink as he sat down a wine bottle. "Thanks" I say as he gives me a small flat box wrapped up with a small red ribbon around it. I knew exactly what was in the box. "I'm glad to see you two are out go out and enjoying the city tonight" Nash says leaving after shaking my hand. I get up from the table and lifting her up with my hand. "Where are we going Shawn" she then questions again. "Remember I can't tell you my love" I say as I grab the box and she grabs the wine bottle off the table. As we head out of the restaurant and head to her car I open the door once more and shut it. I go to the drivers side and open my door as well and cranking up the car. I then say "here" as I gave her a blindfold. "Are you serious Mendes" she says rolling her eyes. "Please" I say as she then takes the blindfold from me. "Ok, ok" she says as I then take the blindfold and tie it around her head. "I'm sorry you have to wear this" I say with a small chuckle as she turns her head to me. "Shut up Mendes take me wherever I believe you ok" she says with laughter and a smile as I then drive along to our destination.

I had every plan detailed out for tonight I just couldn't wait to see her face. I'm very nervous, more nervous than I have ever been. She's going to love tonight I just know it. 

~What's Shawn's perfect destination he's taking Everly to. And what's in the small box with the red bow around it.~
Find out in chapter 13

Thanks for being so patient with me.
I hope to work on chapter 13 tomorrow and I may uploaded it hopefully. Thanks so much again for all the support.
Love, @Esdalton

His Smile And His Voice And Of course His Jeep.Where stories live. Discover now