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~Did someone say Luau~

Everly texts Shawn this at 6:00

Everly: Ur more than welcome to invite friends because I know nobody😂❤️
Big Muffin: ok are you sure you're parents won't be mad 🤔
Everly: they told me I could tell u to invite some peps❤️
Big Muffin: ok how many😃
Everly: 7 at the most❤️see u at7:30
Big Muffin: love you thanks, see u at 7:30 babe, ❤️the others wouldn't be there till 8 ok
Everly: ok that's fine love u💙💚


A few hours past it's now 7:27 as I set out 12 tiki candles outside along side of the pool. I then light them as I walk back to the house grabbing some chips and dip and cookies off the counter and heading back outside. "Help" I hear Ian yell as he hangs globe lights from the trees in my backyard. "Don't fall, hold on one second" I say setting the cookies down on the table and walked over to stabilize the ladder for him. "Ok thanks I'm finally done" he says climbing back down from the ladder. I then head back to the house when all of a sudden I get hit upside the head with a beach ball. "Shawn!! I know that was you" I say starring at the wooden hate waiting for him to reply. "And what if it wasn't me" he says as he pops his head up over the gate. "I guess will just have to search all night instead of having this lit party" I say laughing. "We can't do that babe" he says walking into the gate. I pull my bathing suit cover over my head as I see Shawn's eyes grow into dark brown sensation as he watched me. "Oh my god, you're so freaking beautiful" he says pulling off his shirt and taking off his shoes beside a chair. He then grabs me by my waist and started heading over to the pool. "Shawn stop, stop it, put me down" I yell as he tickles me and chunks me into the pool. I then came back to the top of the water "why  the heck did you do that." I say as he laughs at me. "Well you told me to put you down" he says still laughing. "You're such a dork! You know that" I said. "Yeah I know" he says before jumping into the pool. I then swim to the shallow and of the pool and get out. "Why are you getting out" he says confused. "I'm not!!" I yell as I jumped in tackling him under water. We both surfaced then he said "I've always wanted to try to kiss someone under water". "Oh you have" I say as I pulled him under water and we locked lips. "Well that was different than I expected" he says as we surfaced once again. "It was beautiful" he says again. "Hey Shawn" I hear a few voices coming though the back door leading to the pool. "Hey man" Shawn says back as he swims to the shallow end to greet them. "Hi my names Nash" one of the boys says shaking my hand. "Hi I'm Everly" I say smiling, to be honest he definitely was cute with those blue eyes but definitely not hot as Shawn. After a few minutes I had met 4 other boys, named Cameron, Aaron, Carter and Jack. There all very nice boys but you see there all boys. It was very fun to hang around with them though there very funny and down to earth. "Everly heads up" I hear Cameron yell across the pool as he threw a beach ball at me. I hit it and the boys went wild. I don't understand all I did was serve a beach ball. After a couple of minutes I went inside to check the time it was now 10:00. As my parents stayed inside watching tv with Shawn's parents I walked into my living room to ask them what time we had to get out. "Hun you can stay in the pool as long as you would like but make sure the other boys know what time it is" my mom says and I walk back outside not only to be chased around the pool with water balloons thrown at me. "Stop, stop, stop it" I ran around the pool trying to get away from them as they chased me. I then slipped on the concrete and fell hard and the last thing I could remember was Shawn yelling at me "Everly, Everly, please wake up"
"Go get my parents now Nash"
"Is she ok!" I hear one of the boys yell.
"She's breathing but she's not moving at all." I hear Shawn tell one of the boys. Then I was out I'm not sure right now if I'm breathing or if I even have a heart beat anymore. I just want to hear Shawn's voice again.

-figure out what happened to Everly in my next chapter-

~~I can't say enough thank you enough for all the support you guys have given me to continue to write this book. Thank you so much for the continuous support as I write this book~~

Love, @Esdalton


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