"Volleyball won't get me very far. That's why I am going to school to become..." I begin before she slams her hands against my lips and I lick her hand. "Don't you dare say it, Hoffy? You were never meant to do some silly mediocre job such as a psychologist. Sigmund Freud was one thing – but you were born to be even more extraordinary. Travel the world. Build your memories. Make a name for yourself."

Wrapping my arm around her neck, I lean in for a side hug and say, "I know." Then we daintily walk into the mall and go retail shopping. Papaya was having a sale and my eyes went big; just like in the Snapchat filters.

After about thirty minutes in, we all meet up and decide to grab some food and talk about our summer plans some more. I was itching for Tropical Smoothie and their California flatbread and a rocking raspberry smoothie. Uh, this the thought of this was making me salivate like a dog; just like in Pavlov's experiments with canines. I move my hair behind my ear and pull out my phone to check to see if I had any notifications and I had none. Sadly, I was okay with that and I can just carry on my day prior to my wonderful vacation.

                                   "Hungry?" questions Maggie as she pokes my stomach and smiles her cunning smile. What would I do without her? She tells me what she is thinking and doesn't care if it offends you.

                                   "Yeah. I was thinking Tropical Smoothie."

                                   "I'm game. You thought we ditched you guys, didn't you?" laughed Cece as she pulled her purse around and sat down at the table. "I didn't mean to run off...it was just Jacob Jennings." Should I be upset at her? She's always complaining and criticizing me and my choices – but when it comes to her...the rules don't apply. Cece can date about any guy she wants and no one sees anything wrong with that. Me on the other hand – well I get thrown in the dog house. It's so messed up that she can be boy crazy over like five guys and counting; but I can't like just one guy. She hogs the spotlight! When is it going to be my turn? Like seriously?

                              "Let's go get food before our stomachs decide to disown us." I exclaim as I pick my purse up and swing it over my head and walk towards the semi-large line. It was always packed. Probably because of how delicious the food and drinks are?! We finish eating and just sit at the table staring down at the ground as we all try to figure out what to say next. Shocking that Cece hasn't taken this time to bore us to death with details on her confrontation with Jacob Jennings.

                          "So? What's the plan this summer?" I ask as I take a sip of my smoothie and stare at the group. Cece had curly, brown hair with tan skin; Maggie had blonde hair and soothing eyes. Bea had long, wavy blonde hair with jet blue eyes. Desi has beautiful dark hair that pairs perfectly with her dark skin. That's my friends in a nut shell. Want a better identifier? Cece is the leader and Maggie is the Brain. Bea is the compassionate one and Desi is the princess. Where do I fit in? I'm the athlete of course.

                      "I'm interning for Simon & Welch Law firm come next week." Says Cece as she pushes up from the table and walks over to toss her smoothie in the trash; before whipping her brown hair over her shoulder for the cute brunette sitting two tables away. I take that back. She's the Dramatic One as well as the leader.

                    "I got the internship at the magazine. Granted I want to be an English teacher, but I will take all the experience I can get. At the end of the summer, I get to have an article printed in the magazine. Super stoked!" exclaims Bea as she passes her phone around to show the email amongst us all. I'm truly happy for her and wish her all the best of luck. She deserves it.

That Summer Crush (#wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now