Chapter Four

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I drop my towel off and slip my cover up off and tuck it away in my bag; and quickly walk towards the river while trying not to burn my feet. Grabbing a blue inner tube, I walk in and throw it over me and smile at Bobby. He gives me a smile.

I try to give him a smile in return, but my face contorts because the water was freezing. Don't they heat their water up? There I go again, making a fool of myself. This plan is not working. Look he's not even paying attention to me. Not only was the plan failing, but there was no way of dodging the water pouring out of the spout. This is going to be cold! I end up falling straight through and getting bombarded with rambunctious children racing in the lazy river. It's supposed to be a 'lazy' river people. Some of us actually want to enjoy and relax. Am I not allowed that luxury?!

                                         "You okay?"

                                         "Uhm yeah. I'm"

                                         "I can tell."


                                          "It's just water. Can you hand me that inner tube to the right of you?" he says as he points to the thing right beside me. Am I just his helper? I guess this is better than him making fun of me, but he was laughing. I did this to myself. Jinxing myself is what got me here. You see, when I said that phase 'oh, what could go wrong?' this is what I was trying to avoid. No luck. He's seen me literally get bombarded with water. It's the most exciting thing he's been able to watch. Assuming he watches all of the guest that closely, but I guess that's his job. Right?

Standing up, I grab the yellow tube and toss it to him. Then I squeeze the water out of my hair, before giving up and shaking like a shaggy dog; and soon after that I float away and just keep my face hidden. I must have been kicked, nudged, dunked, and splashed a thousand times as I went around approximately five times in the hot sun. Did I apply sunscreen? Nope. Oops. I had to keep flipping to even out my tan. Looking up, Bobby is gone and I finally decide to get out and head up the stairs to the slide.

52 to be exact. I counted.

Not only that, but I had to listen to the slogan on repeat over and over. It was saying, 'No goggles or glasses allowed on the slide. You must be 42 inches to ride. Wristbands required. Walk, don't run. We want all our guests to have lots of fun.' Yeah, I heard that once and never forgot it. Rather bothersome if you ask me. As I am trudging up the numerous amount of steps, I kept getting hit with droplets of water; from the kids standing and waiting to go down the slide. Today is not the day I accomplish the impossible, but it is only 3 p.m. and the pool closes at 11. That's 8 hours to fix this mess and turn it around. I got this.

Finally, after what seemed like a never-ending fight with the stairs, I reach the top and take in the view. You could see the beach from here and the every-15 minute tram coming back from the beach resort; and the people swimming in the kid area. One person stood between me and the slide; and that's when I noticed who was up there.

None other than Bobby himself.

There's no way of trying to leave the way I came; but if the person in front of me hurries up, I can slip my way out. Just look at him. His blonde hair and his electric blue eyes under those black shades. If you check out his arm, there's a wicked sleeve going on. Tattoo buddies! I have an anchor on my shoulder blade and a pair of swallows on my wrist. Say something!

                                   "Nice tattoo." Did I really just say the same line again? Five years later and I am still saying 'nice tattoo?' Kill me now. First I embarrass myself, then look helpless, and now I just look lame. Someone just push me off this slide and I will make a splat on the ground...

                                    "Thanks. I like yours too. Anchor? What's the meaning?"

                                   "I'm my own anchor. Its masculine, but with the floral and watercolors, it puts a feminine twist on it. Also, I don't have to depend on people to help me or save me." I say as I step up to the 'waiting area' and let the water fill up.

                                   "Nice. Depending on people can be okay sometimes, though. Okay, well you can go!" exclaims Bobby as he signals for me to slide down...just for me to do this whole process over again.

And I am off. I accidently rake my back on the slide and I could feel a twinge of pain. Was I cut? Is there...Holy crap. There is. Everyone is going to hate me. I splash into the water, but the pain was a little too much and I was in the water a little too long; before I jump up gasping for air. Swimming to the steps, I hold my back in pain. That's when Kyle walks over and bends down.

                                 "What happened?"

                                 "Oh you're talking to me now? I raked my back. Is it bad?"

                                 "I'm concerned for your safety. Yes, there is blood – but you will live. Is that what you want to hear?"

                                "No. Not really. Why do you have to be like that? So broody and grouchy? I'm fine. I will limp back to my table in the hot sun and watch everyone else have fun. This is not the vacation I had in mind!" I snapped as I grab the railing and pull myself up, before walking out of the pool and beginning to head back. Kyle just shakes his head and speaks into his tiny walkie-talkie and then returns to his position under the slide.

Holding my side, I glance up and cover my eyes from the sun and notice that Bobby is staring right at me. It's nothing. He doesn't care. This vacation is a bust! Maybe I should just go to the beach where my cousins are and read a book? No. That's a long walk. Ugh, can anything go my way? Like for real? Why am I walking? This ground is hot! Like hot! Ouch! Run, Hoffy, run!

By the time I reach the table, my mom is sitting down with her Style Magazine in hand. Great. How am I going to dodge her questions? Oh, I could just advert her questions elsewhere.

                                  "Back so soon? Too much of Bobby?"


                                "You're lying."

                               "No. I got injured on the slide. Feist your eyes, Momma! My back is ruined. None of this resulted because of my once-a-year-literally-a-week-crush on Bobby!" I say as I stand up and wail my arms around like an angry T-Rex; to put emphasis on the fact that I was pissed off and to show her that I was indeed hurt.

My mother, Penelope Ann Hoffman, was speechless. First time for everything I guess. She just sat in the chair and stared advertently at the ground. No eye contact. No questions. My mother was quiet and I don't know if that is a good thing. She's angry, right? Please to god, don't be? I'm the one that is 21 and getting grilled by my mother – I should be the angry one! First, my friends don't support my decision to make my crush more than a crush. Second, everyone in my family is nosy! Third, I have embarrassed myself countless times already and in front of Bobby! Finally, my back is scratched up from the slide! Maybe I should just go home and watch a marathon of 'Friends'?


She looks at me and just walks away and heads to the pool. Well, I'm not going there. The beach. That is where I will go and contemplate everything down to the simple, yet outrageous plan. Gathering my things, I snatch a key card and walk steadfast towards the exit at the back of the resort; and push open the door and leave.

Just like that, I am gone.

That Summer Crush (#wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now