Tagged Once More.

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Alright. Here I go again. Why do you guys like tagging me, god damn. I can't put the photo with the stuff on it up here, but you guys know I never tag anyone anyways.

Anyways - Let's get started!

(1): Your Current Lockscreen.
I can't have a lock screen, it's just a bunch of adds that come up. :\

(2): Your Current Homescreen.
My current home screen is above! I don't know who drew it, but it seemed really cool to me.

(3): Your Favorite Song.
Lately it's been 'Rain' by Breaking Benjamin or 'Cancer' by MCR.

(4): Your Favorite YouTuber.
If I just had to pick one, I'd be TomSka. (I hate that he calls himself ugly and fat, though. I wish he'd be happier, but I know things are tough.)

(5): Your Ring Tone.
Well, I don't have a phone....so???

(6): Your Reason For Joining Wattpad.
Well, it was for reading FanFiction. (If I'm honest with you guys, I never expected to be writing any. I never really had any motivation, and plus I suck at keeping up a story.)

(7): Device You Use Wattpad On.
Well, I don't really know what this thing is exactly. It's an Amazon tablet thingy?? (As you can tell, I'm educated.)

(8): Your Favorite Thing To Do In Your Free Time.
Usually it's to write,read, or doodle a bit. I'm not one for watching television.

(9): One Power You Wish You Had.
Hm... It's hard to say. Probably to read minds or telekinesis, just because.

(10): One Mythical Creature You Love.
I don't really know many, but I really like Sirens. They just interest me.

(11): One Thing You Received Over The Holidays.
I don't really celebrate holidays, personally, but my family does. One of the things I got was a DVD player and some CDs. Yeah... I'm oldschool. :''))

(12): Your New Years Resolution.
Again, I don't celebrate holidays. So, I don't really have one.

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