Chapter 33

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Bo's knuckles gripped the steering wheel until they turned taut and white. What in the hell was Charity Spencer doing at Mercy Rae's place? Like hell she was gonna be starting trouble now of all times.

Pulling into the drive quickly he almost jumped out before putting his truck into the park position and turning the vehicle off. Yanking the keys from the ignition he power walked inside the house not sure what he would find.

To his utter surprise and joy he heard Mercy Rae humming not crying. What had happened here in his absence?

Before he could string any more thoughts together his woman became aware of his presence and all but ran at him.

He caught her as she propelled herself into his arms; kissing him like a woman possessed and he loved it.

The softness of her lips, the breathiness of her moans; it was all an onslaught to his male senses and he was ready to give in to his primal nature by taking her on the floor.

"Hi" she said softly against his lips. "I missed you Brody." Damn she could disarm and calm the angriest bull with her gentle nature.

"Mercy Rae" he breathed back. "I missed you too little filly." Against his wants at the moment he let her slide to the floor and when her feet were flat he pulled her to his chest; her body felt amazing and warm against his.

"Merc what in the name of all that's holy was Charity Spencer doin here?" He hadn't meant to sound so cold and cranky but he was tired of what seemed like Murphy's Law at every turn where he and Mercy Rae were concerned.

She chuckled taking him by the hand and leading him to the kitchen, bidding him to sit in a pulled out chair. Once he was settled she straddled his lap and laid her head to his shoulder.

If anyone had told him that you could 'feel' what a home felt like he would have called them crazy as a March hare. But here he was his body and heart feeling that exact emotion. She was responsible for the fullness he was experiencing.

"Charity and I had a come-to-Jesus meetin baby. She's actually a sweetheart and she's crazy talented. But most importantly she loves Walker.

She's going to decorate everything for our wedding and I have invited her to be in my wedding party.

Bo she's truly sorry and I believe her and I'm willin to give her a second chance and I hope you will do the same."

Bo couldn't believe what he was hearing; it seemed almost too good to be true but how could he resist those eyes that were staring back at him?

Mercy Rae just exuded compassion and love and sometimes it worried him that folks would take advantage of that big heart that she swung around; always trying to save people. But that's why he loved her so.

"What brought on this sudden change in her heart Mercy Rae?" Bo asked; he still didn't believe it. He wanted to but let's not forget he'd grown up with Charity and knew her all too well.

"The main thing is I think she truly cares for you and wants you to be happy. She was honest with me about her feelins and what she said made sense.

But she cares very much for Walker and has no desire to hurt him. She knows how happy I make you and how you feel about me and she is happy that you're happy.

She asked your mama to be Devil's advocate and Jana agreed. She talked to me at length about Charity and I said I would give her a chance.

I let her know pretty quickly though I wouldn't stand for her tryin to come in between us and most certainly wouldn't tolerate her hurtin Walker. It's all good."

"Hmm" Bo hummed as he pressed his lips to hers once more. His arms tightened around her waist, pulling her closer into his lap.

"Did you have any plans for this evenin little filly?" His question was met with not a verbal response but a physical one as she returned his kiss.

When she drew back from him her eyes mirrored what he felt; love. He could so easily get lost in them and many times he wanted to.

The fact that soon she was going to be Mrs. Mercy Rae Robertson made him excited beyond imagination. He was going to have a wife and he couldn't wait.

"I just want to be wherever you are" she finally answered his earlier question.

"Cooking you dinner and feeding you are the highlights of my evening" she said jokingly; her eyes glistening mischievously as he threw back his head and laughed.

Smacking her jean clad ass he lifted her to her feet and said "Well feed me woman! I'm starved!"

Her giggle and the wiggle of her backend as she walked to the kitchen were both sweet and sexy.

Mercy Rae was both sweet and spicy; raging hot sex but soft and gentle. He couldn't believe she was his.

It seems that she'd been working hard on fried chicken, mashed potatoes with brown gravy, fresh green beans and homemade biscuits served with local honey.

"Damn baby this looks and smells fantastic!" Bo enthused as she fixed their plates. "Dare I ask if you had the strength to fix dessert?"

Her bright and sincere smile was worth being dragged across the pasture for. "Alas I cannot take credit for the dessert tonight baby. I just was so tired but I picked up that Dutch apple pie you like so much from the diner. Oh and I picked up some homemade vanilla ice cream."

As they ate and talked Bo had no trouble imagining this would be the life he had to look forward to with his soon-to-be wife; that and the sound of their kids runnin about the house getting into everything.

Bo loved everything about her. The way she held her fork after she had taken a bite of food, how she was so lady like when she tried not to talk with food in her mouth.

The way she laughed at things he said; she boosted his ego to great heights and made him feel like the most special man in the world. He loved her so much for giving him that.

When they finished he helped her carry their dishes back into the kitchen. While he scraped the remnants into the garbage Bo watched her carefully slice two pieces of pie and plate them up.

The cinnamon that was used in the pie wafted through the kitchen luring him in and making his mouth water as did the strength of the vanilla bean as soon as she opened the ice cream carton.

The icing on the cake was the delicious aroma of fresh coffee that she had made; it felt warm and inviting.

Bo had always grown up with that comfortable feeling and he knew that Mercy Rae had also but how she brought it into her tiny kitchen, how it wrapped around him like her arms, well that took a special kind of talent and it came so naturally for her.

"Here you go baby" she said smiling and handing him the delicate patterned plate; the fork lying gently across the porcelain.

Bringing the plate to his nose he inhaled and closed his eyes. "Oh man this smells amazing" he groaned while picking up the fork and diving right in.

"Little filly" he said softly as he slowly chewed and savored each bite like it was his last. "This is"

She grinned as she lifted the fork to her lips; his eyes blazing while he took in the movements of her hand and lips.

Home-it really was where the heart resides. Mercy Rae could make a tent a mansion and that's all he had ever wanted and she was giving him just that.

When they finished he leaned over and kissed her; the residue of the apple pie and frozen treat still lingering on her lips.

"Hmm you taste great" he said softly.

"Bo" she breathed. "I will wash, you dry and then I want to take a shower with you. I need you baby and I know you need me."

Bo had never dried dishes so quickly and before Mercy Rae could dry her hands he had lifted her, bridal style, and carried her to the bathroom where he proceeded to love her like she deserved to be love-with all his heart and body.

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