I sat against the door for at least an hour.

Not talking, Not moving. Even when I knew that I was getting uncomfortable and stiff I still sat there.

I heard the faint sound of my bedroom door closing which either means that the boys had left and come back or they finally gave up trying to talk to me and just left now.

I shakily got to my feet and unlocked the bathroom door as quietly as possible. I opened the door just a crack and looked around my bedroom.

I didn't see any of the boys so my first thought was to run straight to the bedroom door and lock that one so I had a bit more space instead of just the cold bathroom tiles.

I looked around my room for absolutely anything that could help me out of this place.

I looked over at the desk on the other side of my room and realised that I haven't really looked at the stuff on it so I made my way over to it.

Once there I noticed a pink laptop sitting neatly in the middle of the desk. I rolled my eyes at the fact that he got a pink one so it matched my new phone he gave me which now that I think about it he probably only gave it to me so I couldn't contact anyone in New Zealand because I didn't have their numbers anymore and they didn't have my new number.

The next thing I noticed was a small cream coloured wallet sitting next to the laptop. There was a small note sitting on top of it so I picked up the note and began reading it.


I'm not sure how long it will take you to notice this but when you do I want you to open the wallet while reading this note.

I did what the note said and opened the wallet to find that all the card slots were already taken except one.

I have had a credit card made for you and some other cards that you may need around town like a library card and that sort of stuff. You may notice there is one slot empty, well that spot is for your drivers license that I'm going to help you get once you turn 18!

Love from Liam xx

This was perfect! I could use the card to buy a plane ticket!

I checked my phone to see it was only 4 o'clock. Let the planning begin.

Next stop New Zealand.


To make my plan work I had to convince the boys that I was okay now or else they wouldn't leave me alone long enough for this to work.

I stepped in the lounge room and it didn't even take a second for all five boys to stand up and look at me. 

"Katie please let me explain." Liam said stepping closer towards me.

"You don't need to explain. I understand why you didn't tell me, you were  just trying to make it easier for me. You didn't want me to know about it sooner because you knew I wouldn't agree, you were just trying to make sure this move was easy for me. I understand why you lied." The words felt like they were choking me as they came out but I needed them to believe I was okay.

They all looked at me like I had just grown a second head.

"Your not mad at me?" Liam asked in a very small tone compared to how he was talking to Sophia.

"No. You were only thinking of me when you did all this. You didn't want me to waste my life with a family I didn't belong in. I understand now that I didn't belong there, I was treated differently. I understand everything but I'm really sorry I came between you and Sophia." I felt like I was about to be sick just by saying these things.

A life of Payne (1D/5SOS) *HEAVEY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now