Chapter 1: Hiding behind shadows

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Lana's POV

Lana J. Edwards' latest book finally hit the stands!

After months of speculating, famous author Lana J. Edwards finally released the 4th book in her famous series!

'Hiding behind shadows' is finally out, fans are overly excited to get their copy!

Critics say that this is the darkest and most mysterious book in this series.

While fans are overly excited, some parents worry about their children. They believe the book could cause them to suffer nightmares and anxiety disorders.


I turned off the TV and sighed. I don't know what I had expected when the book finally came out. I mean, I knew there were some scenes and topics in there that could indeed cause nightmares. But there are way worse things than my books.

I sighed and sat up, noticing a few empty beer cans.

I shouldn't be drinking, Melody is going to be pissed off when she finds out. She always hates coming home to me being drunk, which I fully understand. But she doesn't know why I drink.

I need this. I need this to relax.

I got up, slowly, and took all the cans. I dragged my feet over to the kitchen and threw all the cans away.

While I was doing so, I felt that uneasy feeling. My body tensed up, my breathing got shallow. I felt it, it was here with me.

Slowly I closed my eyes, holding in my breath. I was scared, terrified. I hate this feeling, I hate being under its control.

Suddenly I hear a noise, the floor behind me.

In reflex I looked at it, seeing no one. But I knew better, it was still here. Somewhere.

I quickly turned on all the lights. It'd stay away when there are lights. I knew that much.

I went back to the couch, watching some TV. At least my mind wasn't focusing on it too much then. It could turn off, just for a while.



I slowly opened my eyes but they closed immediately afterwards.

"Lana, up."

I got shaken pretty violently before falling onto something hard. I slowly opened my eyes, noticing the ground.

I heard a groan and a deep sigh.

I fought to get myself up again, and looked at the source of the noise. "Baby?"

Melody turned around. Her arms were folded while her face spoke volumes, she was pissed off and angry. Maybe also disappointed.

I looked down. "I'm sorry, baby."

She sighed again before leaving. She turned off the lights, making me run after her immediately. I wasn't going to stay here, in the dark.

We walked upstairs, to our room.

Once arrived, Melody quickly got out of her work clothes while I went to lie down onto our bed. I was mainly watching her.

She got out of her pants and blouse, her undershirt and socks. She looked in the mirror at herself before nodding. She then continued undressing, taking off her bra and underwear.

She then looked at me. She walked towards me as if I was her prey. She crawled onto the bed, slowly crawling to me.

She pulled the sheets back, and slowly got underneath them before pulling them over us. She looked down, smiling. She must've liked the fact I was naked too.

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