Authors Notes

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When I first started writing Doctor Happy, I had no idea that it would turn into this juggernaut of a series that I honestly feel could easily last forever. The characters are just normal people and as we all know, life never gives you a break. There's always something ready and waiting around the corner. The same rules can apply in fiction.

The more I wrote of No More Mrs. Nice Nurse, the more I realised that it was nothing like Doctor Happy. So I decided to stop trying to recreate the same story. After all, three years had passed right? All of the characters are at different stages in life, and had to deal with completely different challenges.

Speaking of challenges; unfortunately the writing of this sequel was hit by many different challenges in its own right. Whether it was the dreaded writers block, changing my mind about certain parts of the story or some change in my personal life that left very little free time to write. There were also the sad times where I suffered a death in the family, which kind of makes you want to stay out of your imaginary hospital for a while. If that wasn't enough, I also had the issue of a friend of mine who was rushed into hospital in a potentially fatal condition. The same condition that Chris Taylor had in the story. I didn't need to do any research for that one. Thankfully, like Chris, my friend is ok now.

All this just goes to show the incredible work that doctors and nurses do, all around the world. They literally make life or death decisions and actions every day and I don't think they will ever truly get the credit they deserve. Hopefully this little note to them will go some way to getting them that.

It also explains why it took me so long to write the story. I always make a massive point of thanking every reader that I know I have but anyone who's been waiting since the start of the story, you deserve more credit than anyone. Thank you so much.

I also want to thank a few friends of mine too. Like most people who will read this, I kept my writing hobby a secret for years and years, fearing that for some reason people would think negatively of me for it. However, I recently opened up to my closest friends about my writing and the therapeutic feeling that it brings me. I took up writing again in early 2016 to help battle against depression and for a while I felt as though that would also leave me open to ridicule. But guess what? They were proud of me. Not embarrassed. It is with their continued support, as well as all the friends I've made in the Wattpad writing community that I have been able to continue to write with more and more confidence every day. I hope that it shows in the things that you read from me.

I also hope it helps anyone suffering from any sort of mental illness to speak out to those around you. You'll be surprised with the results, and you most likely won't be alone either.

Finally, as you can probably tell by the end of the story, I fully intend for there to be a third instalment in the Doctor Happy series. However, I have no time frame for it. No expected length or an estimated start date. Just a few ideas floating around in my head but a few I think will make for some excellent storylines. I also have a long list of ridiculous medical stories, compiled from my aunt, friends and girlfriend who all work in the medical business. Of course if you want to share some of your own, I'm all ears.

Until next time.

No More Mrs Nice Nurse (Doctor Happy 2)Where stories live. Discover now