Chapter 9

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The remainder of the Dawson family's weekend went off uninterrupted and everything felt as though it was returning to normal, with the sudden drop in temperature the only thing that either of them thought they would have to deal with. However, they quickly discovered that this wasn't the case at all.

Arriving together at the hospital on Monday morning, they were met with an exhausted looking Dr. Dolan, walking past them.

"Charlie?" Carly asked in surprise.

The young doctor, who'd been walking with his head down, looked up and appeared to be startled at the fact that he'd been spotted.

"Oh, hey guys" He half-heartedly waved.

"Were you just working?" Lee asked.

"Yeah" Charlie shrugged before approaching them, seemingly completely free from his trance now. "Doctor Nagatomo asked me to help out. Someone called in sick apparently, and he said a nightshift would be good experience for me" He explained.

"He's right" Lee told him.

"How was it?" Asked Carly, sounding a little more interested.

"Aw, you know" Shrugged Dolan. "Fun, informative and mildly racist"

"That sounds like Shinsuke" Lee chuckled.

"Oh!" Charlie cried excitedly, catching the others off guard completely. It was as if he'd just fully woken up now. "I think I also diagnosed my first ever bipolar patient!" He chirped.

"Really? Who?" Smiled Carly.

"Doctor Hunter!"

"What?" Lee asked.

"Yeah! He wasn't even rostered on but he showed up to check on everybody. He was just like he was at dinner. Super friendly and actually cracking jokes" Charlie told them.

"What happened?" Carly asked sympathetically.

"We were talking in the cafeteria and I said it was a good thing that his wife didn't mind him working all these crazy hours and he went crazy. He started yelling and throwing his arms about like he was having a seizure"

"Didn't you hear Mark's story? Why would you bring that up?" Lee huffed.

"Here's why" Charlie began. "I overheard him talking to Mrs. Perkins, you know that lady that keeps flirting with everybody, and she was totally coming onto him and he said that as much as he was flattered, his wife wouldn't be happy about it. So I just thought he was ready to talk about it. But then he flipped out for no reason"

"It wasn't for no reason, Charlie. You can't go around asking people stuff like that" Lee told him.

"Why not?"

"Because it's personal! And he's your boss. You shouldn't ask stuff like that"

"This doesn't make any sense" Interrupted Carly.

"What doesn't?" Asked Charlie.

"Ok don't freak out" She pleaded to Lee. "But the other day, Jack asked me out"

"He did what?"

"But why did he do that if he's married?" She ignored her husband's protest.

"Cause he's an ass?" Charlie suggested.

"When were you going to tell me?" Lee ignored his apprentice.

"I don't know! Whenever the time came?" Carly didn't know why she was asking.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me this!" Lee yelled.

"Can we just calm down and agree that Hunter has issues?" Charlie asked, hoping to keep the peace. He was holding his head as if the sudden shouting match had given him a migraine.

No More Mrs Nice Nurse (Doctor Happy 2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin