Chapter 5

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Carly and Lee stayed in Pittsburgh until after the funeral before returning home and heading back to work. As upset as they both were, they knew that if they focussed on their work then they would keep their minds off of their deceased friend and eventually be alright.

"Nurse Dawson! When you have a minute?" Doctor Kent called to Carly, who was staring at the vending machine in the hospitals reception, trying to decide which chocolate bar would give her the biggest energy boost. Deciding to eat after hearing whatever Angela had to say, she abandoned the machine and returned to her boss' office. She couldn't recall the last time she'd been here before the other day and now she was in for the second time in a week. And so was Lee.

"We meet again" Lee shrugged.

"Any idea what this is about?" Carly asked, noticing that Angela was nowhere to be seen.

Her question was answered before Lee could speak again when Angela arrived behind her, closely followed by two young people, one male and one female, who looked like they were in their early twenties at the very latest.

"Good you're both here" She said, closing the door to the now claustrophobic office. "I'll make this quick because I'm about to head off. This is Doctor and Nurse Dawson; they'll be your supervisors during your time here so if there's anything that you don't know or need to ask then these are your people ok?" She informed her guests.

"Clear" The boy said, whilst the girl just nodded her head. Angela then turned her attention to the Dawson's.

"This is Charlie Dolan and Summer Harrington. They're the junior doctors that I've assigned to you both so please take care of them ok?"

"Do we have to?" Lee asked.

"Of course we will Doctor Kent" Carly smiled.

"Good. You know all the details by now so I'll just leave you all to it! Doctor Hunter will be in shortly to take my place so please give him a nice, warm welcome as well. Alright then, see you around guys! Back in a few months!" Angela beamed before leaving the four of them.

"Wait that's it?" Lee cried after her but didn't receive so much as a look back.

"So what do you guys want us to do?" Charlie asked, breaking the silence.

Annoyed at his current situation, Lee turned to face his new apprentice of sorts. Charlie was short with cropped black hair and was smiling so wide that Lee guessed it was a permanent feature for him. His thin face and blue eyes looked like he was interested in everything around him, including the fresh air.

"What did Doctor Kent tell you to do?" Carly asked.

"She just said to talk to you guys" Shrugged Summer. She had black hair that was tied back into a ponytail, bright green eyes and perfectly tanned skin. Her face was fully done up with makeup which was a classic case for a first day. After a few stressful days, the members of staff who wore makeup usually stopped caring so much about their appearance.

"Right . . . well . . ." Carly didn't know what else to say but then she got an idea. "I guess Doctor Dawson here can give you the grand tour" She grinned, knowing how angry Lee would be at this suggestion.

"Don't you think it'd be better for you to do it?" He asked.

"No I think that due to your seniority, you're the best candidate for the job"

"You've worked here longer" He pointed out.

The two young doctors' heads moved from left to right as they listened to each of them make their arguments.

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