Chapter 2

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"Mr. Shilton, how many times have I told you not to take a nap in your hot tub? Especially for fourteen hours. It's very dangerous" Lee told one of his first patients upon his return to the University of Vermont Medical Centre. "You could drown, get hypothermia, and seriously damage your skin and maybe even all three together!"

Dean Shilton was one of the richest men in the state. Unfortunately he was also one of the dumbest. In the three years that Doctor Dawson had been working here, he'd seen this man at least six times, with each incident being crazier than the one before.

"But admit it Doc, it's pretty funny right?" The old man cackled back in response.

"Do you really think death is something to joke about Mr. Shilton?" Lee asked.

"You gotta die of something boy! So if I'm going out, I'm doing it in a blaze of glory! Or more specifically, a hot tub!" Shilton creased again.

Lee wasn't sure if the old guy was joking or if he was actually talking about suicide. Was this a cry for help? His decision was made even more difficult by the fact that this man looked a lot like Santa Clause with a tan. That would confuse anyone.

"Right" He muttered before scribbling on the man's evaluation sheet that he was going to recommend some counselling. Just in case.

After seeing out the, miraculously, fine old man, Lee checked his wristwatch and saw that he was almost finished for the day. As with every holiday, the first day back was a struggle for him to get up in the morning. He'd even had a lie in until six-thirty. He wasn't particularly proud of himself for it but once he was back in action, it felt as though he had never been away. Since that morning alone, Lee had already treated eight patients, including the seemingly amphibious Mr. Shilton. A lot of people would complain about having so much to do on their first day back but Lee had actually asked for it. He was nowhere near as bad as he used to be, but once a workaholic, always a workaholic.

Lee tidied his office and packed all of his important belongings, cell phone, wallet and house keys into his black over-shoulder bag (or man-bag as his new wife called it) and headed down the windy hospital corridors en route to the car park.

Most people felt quite uncomfortable walking down the bare halls underneath the fluorescent lighting of a hospital, or even just being in such close proximity to sick people, but not Doctor Dawson. To him, this was home, and everyone knew it.

As he passed the various offices and waiting rooms that his workplace held, he smiled, being reminded how rewarding working in a hospital could be.

He saw a man and woman embracing each other warmly; having just been told that their IVF treatment was successful and that they were now expecting their first child. He saw an old man break down in tears after being told that his cancer had been caught early enough and that he was now all clear. Even the kids in the hospital were smiling, some of which had been suffering from incredible pains and aches but were now acting as if nothing was ever wrong with them. As happy as Lee was, he sped up to pass the children quicker. He'd never been good with kids and he was quite happy to leave them to the other doctors and nurses.

"Finished for the day, Doctor?" Asked a smiling nurse as he passed her.

"You know it" He smiled back.

"Hey Doctor D!" Called another of his colleagues, a burly looking man with glasses.

"What's up Mark?" Lee asked, slapping his palm against the man's shoulder.

"Not much man, just about to give Mrs. Hawthorne her pills for the day. I swear we've got her addicted" Mark replied.

"I knew that one was trouble" Joked Lee.

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