Chapter 8

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Jack stepped into the room and was immediately hit by the smell of chicken that only made him hungrier.

"Sorry I'm late. Hello everyone!" He called, not really looking to see who was even there.

He'd changed his mind about taking Mark up on his offer at the very last minute. He normally made a point of bringing a bottle of wine any time that he went to another person's home for dinner but being in such a rush, he hadn't had time today. He didn't think Mark would mind, especially considering their argument that they'd had earlier. When the right moment arrived, he'd apologise to Dr. Wilson. He was well aware that he'd over reacted.

Straightening his tie, he followed Marks instruction and sat down at the table next to Carly. He smiled at her awkwardly. All of the guests switched their uncertain expressions between him and the food in front of them.

"I thought you said you had plans with your husband?" He asked curiously.

"I do" Carly giggled.

"Hey Doc" Lee smirked as he waved down the table at his boss. It took a moment, but eventually the connection was made.

"You two!?" Jack couldn't tell if he'd gasped or not.

"Didn't you know?" Mark laughed as he laid a plate of the extra food beside Jack and taking his own seat once again. "Dig in guys!"

They all hesitated, remembering what he had said about food poisoning, even though they all knew it was just imperfect timing. Seemingly undeterred by his own warning, Mark was the first to begin eating and everyone soon followed suit.

"It's a room full of doctors, what could possibly go wrong?" Charlie shrugged.

Jack looked around the table and noticed that he was the only one still in the same clothes that he'd worn to work, his ever present suit. Although all of the men looked similar having just simply changed shirts, Carly and Summer looked totally different. Carly was draped in a smart red dress, whilst the young doctor was wearing a silk black top and a white cardigan. He couldn't tell if they were looking less stressed because they were dressed more comfortably or if it was just because they were out of the hospital for a change.

Despite the obvious wariness of the guests, the food was finished without anyone feeling unwell, with Shinsuke and Charlie even going back for seconds.

"That was incredible, Doctor Wilson. Thank you" Summer smiled at the host, with the rest of the guests nodding and mumbling their agreement.

"Please, call me Mark. I hate being called Doctor Wilson. Only dying people call me that" Mark laughed.

"That's cause you're a shitty doctor" Lee joked.

"If you ever get sick, I'm going to make sure to pass you onto someone else. I ain't taking care of your sick ass"

"You couldn't anyway" Lee carried on.

"You would be the worst patient ever" Shinsuke shrugged.

"You have no idea" Carly sighed. "He got the flu last year and honestly, it was like taking care of a baby"

"That's so cute" Summer smiled again.

"It's not cute. It's fictional" Lee corrected.

"What about you, Doctor Hunter?"Charlie asked their boss, who'd sat through most of the dinner in silence. "What's been your worst patient?"

Appearing startled at the sudden question, Jack sat in silent thought for a moment before answering bluntly.

"I personally don't rate my patients. I just treat whatever's in front of me. I try to ignore the names and the faces"

No More Mrs Nice Nurse (Doctor Happy 2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें