Chapter 26

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Christmas day fell on the Sunday just before Carly was set to return to work. Initially she'd been sceptical about Jack joining them for Christmas but couldn't really fault Lee's logic.

"Just consider it a pre-return to work audition" He had told her. "Just kiss his ass for a bit and get back in his good books."

"Why are you being right? I don't like it!" She sulked.

"Call it a Christmas miracle" Lee joked.

In the morning, the Dawson family exchanged gifts and made love once or twice before Lee headed out to pick up his mother. He'd only been home for around fifteen minutes when the Oliver family arrived.

Linda Dawson had always gotten on with Mr and Mrs Oliver ever since they'd first met, and she'd always been a huge fan of Carly's so the house was filled with so much over the top joy that Lee couldn't help rolling his eyes. He liked Christmas as much as the next person but he just couldn't be bothered with all the outpouring of emotion from the entire world for one day before everyone went back to their normal routine of indifference towards one another. To him, it made all the pomp and circumstance a little pointless.

Without even realising it, Lee found himself hovering by the window, looking through the falling snow, willing Doctor Hunter to arrive and join them.

Would he even show up?

"Stop pacing. He'll be here" Carly whispered to him, as if reading his mind. Lee didn't think he was making it that obvious.

Lee didn't believe in the power of prayer at all but as if by magic, Jack did show up shortly afterwards.

"I uh . . . I didn't know what else to bring" Jack muttered as Lee greeted him at the door and waved him inside. He handed Doctor Dawson a bottle of wine and looked around nervously.

"You even got the good stuff" Lee pretended he knew what he was talking about.

Jack was also pretending, as he responded to the Dawson family's well wishes as he swam his way through the house and into the kitchen. Lee had to laugh as he saw some of himself in the stubborn Doctor Hunter.

Eventually though, Jack did open up to Lee's mother and Carly's parents. Carly's sister Kira however, remained as anti social as ever. The older generation asked him about what their children were like to work with and if they were good friends to Jack. Thankfully he left out most of the grim details.

"They are great at what they do" He replied.

Thankfully, Carly had given a heads up to everyone to not mention anything to do with family to Jack. The last thing she wanted was a Christmas massacre on her first attempt at having people round. If this day went well she'd consider inviting everyone else she knew next year as well.

Despite Carly's limited cooking skills, the mountains of food went down a treat with the dinner guests and everyone was promptly stuffed. Everyone knows that it isn't really Christmas without being unable to move from the large amounts you've eaten.

Hours later a (more than a little) drunken Doctor Hunter finally decided it was time for him to head back to his hotel.

"I really don't mind driving you back" Lee told him as he handed his boss' coat to him. Lee was still set to take his mother home so he hadn't touched a drop of alcohol. Carly's mother was the only other sober one remaining. Even Kira had been given a glass of wine or two.

"No a cab is fine. You need to spend time with your family. I feel like they've had enough of my party antics" Jack sarcastically replied.

"You did great" Lee told him. "You're a hoot with the golden oldies"

"I think it's because I act like one" Jack joked. The doctors laughed together as they walked to the door before Doctor Hunter became his serious self once more. "But seriously Doctor Dawson, thank you. I had a great time tonight"

"It was great having you" Lee admitted, a little surprised himself.

"I'm serious" Jack emphasized. "I really didn't want to come today but I'm glad I did. This has been the best Christmas I've had since . . ."

"Don't mention it" Lee smiled, wanting to keep the mood positive and upbeat. Jack seemed to understand (and appreciate) this so he moved onto the other thought that had been circling in his head.

"You know, I have to say . . . I found your mother's story about your imaginary friend to be absolutely fascinating" He jested.

"She's not doing well; her memory isn't what it used to be" Lee defensively claimed. Once again they shared a laugh. Lee thought to himself, "This is what a working relationship should be."

"Goodnight, Doctor Dawson" Jack finally said as he ducked out the front door quietly, hoping that the sound of the heavy door wouldn't disrupt the fun and laughter that everyone, including Kira now too, seemed to be having.

"Goodnight, Doctor Hunter" Lee said back, even though his boss had already disappeared into the wintery abyss outside.

As Lee returned to the warm and bright surroundings of his living room, he noticed that Carly was smiling at him proudly whilst the rest of the room laughed along with whatever show or movie was currently on TV.

This look alone meant more to Lee then anyone would ever realise. It was one he'd often given to Carly, and that's why he knew what it meant. It meant that she was letting him know that by inviting Doctor Hunter over, he'd definitely done the right thing.

"Not all Santa's wear red suits" Lee laughed to himself before rejoining his family.


Ok so a really short chapter because honestly, I just wanted to get Christmas over with! At the time of writing this its mid March which shows how long this story has taken me!

 Even though its short though, I feel as though its a good one as far as character development goes.

Is that just me? What do you guys think? Let me know and please don't forget  to comment and vote please! :)

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