Chapter 16

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"Hey!" Smiled Chris Taylor as he caught sight of his latest visitor, turning off the television that had been brought into his room since he had been feeling better. Now that he had been properly diagnosed and treated, he was really only still there to make sure that there weren't any serious side effects from his condition, and so far so good.

"How are you feeling?" Chirped Summer, briefly smiling at him before consulting his patient notes and checking his drip was working properly. Thankfully it was.

"Much better, thank you" Chris grinned. "I know it's probably only subconsciously but I genuinely feel like I've lost about thirty pounds in here" He joked, pointing to his head.

"Well I'm glad to hear it. You're a football fan?" Summer asked, pointing to the TV that Chris had been watching. Clearly she'd seen the last few seconds before the TV was turned off..

"Not really, no" He chuckled. "But it seems to be the only thing on at this time" Chris shrugged. "Are you?"

"Definitely not! But my dad and my brother are super into it, so I kinda know the rules and stuff. I can watch it, but never voluntarily" She explained. "Anyway, everything looks good here so you're on course to get out in a couple of days"

"Thank you" Chris said again, somehow sounding like this time was much more personal. Summer began to blush again instead of answering, however she quickly returned to her natural shade as Chris quickly changed the subject again. "Hey, I heard about what happened, with your friend. Is he ok?"

"I think he'll be fine eventually. He's just really shook up"

"And how are you? Are you ok?" Chris asked, noticing Summers rather disheartened demeanour.

Summer thought about lying and telling him that she was fine. That Naked Winston hadn't been her patient and although she felt bad for her friend, she was glad that it hadn't happened to her. But something inside her prevented her from keeping her true feelings hidden.

"I'm getting there" She admitted, sitting down in the visiting chair next to Chris' bed. "It's just a shock, you know?"

"Of course it is. It really makes me feel a little bad for complaining about what was wrong with me. Really, I'm one of the lucky ones right?"

Instead of answering Chris, Summer appeared to be transported back in time, to a time and place she knew very well. As she spoke, Chris found himself hooked on her reminiscing, much like Lee had been with Charlie's memories.

"You know, they don't really prepare you for stuff like this" She began. "On our first day at medical school, and all throughout, right up till when we started our placements here, they always tell you about how . . . how you're going to save people's lives, change their lives, make the world a better place and discover miracle cures and all that jazz. They never tell you about this feeling that we all have now because of what happened. We were all so full of hope back then but now I feel just as useless as I ever have" Summer felt her voice waver as she professed herself.

"Hey, you can't think like that" Chris told her, bolting upright from his slouched position and putting a comforting hand over Summer's.

She looked straight up into his eyes at the feel of his touch.

"What you guys have done for me here is nothing short of extraordinary. You, Doctor Dawson and his wife and your friend Doctor Dolan. You've all been amazing. I wouldn't have got through any of this if it wasn't for you guys"

"Really?" Summer forced a smile.

"Really really" He nodded. "Even Doctor Hunter has been great with me since I got taken back in. I know that you guys are the best at what you do. Just . . . don't let the one bad thing that happened cancel out all the good things you've done, and all the people that you have saved. I'm willing to bet there are twice as much of them"

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