Chapter 11

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"Chris? What happened?" Carly gasped as she finally located Mr. Taylor's room.

"Hey Nurse Dawson" Chris smiled, coming across oddly calm for someone who'd just been admitted to hospital. Again. "The last thing I remember, I was just at the store and then I woke up here" He shrugged.

"A witness said that he just collapsed in the aisle" Lee told her. Until he'd spoken, she hadn't seen him standing in the corner of the room, leaning on the wall with his arms folded.

"I knew we shouldn't have let you go" Carly huffed.

"It's fine" Chris told her. "The doctor was just doing his job"

"We've booked in all the same tests as before. See if they show anything up this time" Lee explained to his wife before turning back to Chris. "Don't worry, we'll get this sorted. I'm going to fight to keep you here until we've got this figured out, ok?"

"Thanks, Doc" Chris nodded.

Lee and Carly left the room together and began walking back towards the reception at a fast pace. After not being busy for so long, they were both starting to feel a little overwhelmed already.

"I better go tell Hunter that Chris is back in" Said Lee.

"He already knows" Carly replied. "He was there when Charlie told me about it. Honestly, he ran into his office like a rat. I knew we shouldn't have let Chris go. I can't wait to tell Jack what a moron he is"

"Whoa, calm down. He was technically right, remember? Going by his rules, he had to get him out. And he is our boss remember. We can't exactly go around yelling at him, can we?" Lee offered.

"I know you're right, it's just so frustrating. He's the one that sent Chris out into the world and now he's just hiding out in his office like a moody teenager"

"He's probably just embarrassed. Anyway, we have bigger things to worry about. I'm gonna go and do my rounds now so can you get Summer to go check on Chris in a while? She's done all she can in burns for just now. She can prep him for the CAT scan"

"Sure thing. What about Charlie?" Asked Carly.

"I'll figure something out for him to do after his break. He's been touching a naked guy for the last few hours. Let's give him a little break" Lee smirked at the memory of Charlie's grimace when shuffling the naked Mr. Banks to safety.

It didn't take long for Carly to relay Lee's instructions and now Summer was heading to Chris' room and the nurse was headed to check on her own patients.

Chris was somewhat surprised to see Doctor Harrington coming in to see him.

"How are you doing?" She asked him.

"As good as can be I guess" He shrugged.

"I'm Doctor Harrington, but just call me Summer. Sounds a lot better" She smiled. "Doctor Dawson wants me to get you ready for your CAT scan. You remember it from last time you were here?"

"Yeah. Yeah, sure" Chris nodded. "We've met before, right?"

"Ummmm yeah. I was here when you were . . . you know" Summer answered awkwardly, not looking Chris in the eye.

"Ah. Of course" He nodded again, blushing a little. "Well don't worry; I can assure you that that won't be happening again. I'm older and wiser now" He laughed.

"Hey, don't worry about it. Believe it or not, it's not the weirdest thing to have happened here lately" Giggled Summer.


"Really. Honestly, you'd think someone was making all this up in their head" She laughed.

"Well either way, I would really appreciate it if you could just forget it ever happened. I don't want to be known as "The dick guy"" Chris laughed.

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