Chapter 10

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The next few days would go down in the hospitals history as their quietest in years. Despite the weather conditions changing, the roads remained safe. No one had decided to assault anyone and none of the city's more colourful characters were doing anything stupid.

The staff, although pleased, was getting restless. Initially they'd been spending as much time conversing with their colleagues as possible; capitalizing on the respite they'd been given. Unfortunately, they'd run out of things to say to each other, and now the doctors remained in their offices, the nurses remained at their station and Charlie and Summer found themselves sitting in the waiting room as if they were patients themselves. If boredom was an ailment then they would definitely be considered patients.

"Did you think this would be our learning experience? Sitting here like this?" Asked Charlie.

"Definitely not" Sighed Summer. Although, as predicted, she'd started wearing less make up, the nonexistent stress at work had seen her start to look as if she was on a night out once more. Thankfully for her, Charlie had told her that it was just the right amount so that she didn't look like a clown. "I swear I've read this same magazine like eight times and I still don't care who Taylor Swift is breaking up with this week" She sighed again, slamming the catalogue down on one of the dull, beige, leather chairs.

"I can't believe they force people to read that stuff here" Said Charlie, "It's a form of torture. They might as well water board people here while they're at it"

"Maybe that's what Doctor Hunter does in his office all day. I haven't seen him in days"

"No I reckon that whatever he does in there is far more sinister than that" Charlie shivered. "Oh great" He sighed upon seeing Lee approaching them.

"Hey guys" He smiled through gritted teeth as he sat down between the two junior doctors.

"Hi Doctor Dawson. Is there something we can help you with?" Summer asked politely.

"Actually, I was wondering if I could talk to Doctor Dolan. I've been looking for you for days" He said.

"Yes. And I've been avoiding you like Ebola" Charlie told him.

"Charlie!" Hissed Summer. "Don't say that word in a hospital!"

"It's fine" Lee told her. He was used to people talking to him like this.

Just then, the front doors burst open and a gurney was hurriedly wheeled in by a group of paramedics.

"We need some help here, stat!" Cried one of the EMT's.

"What's going on?" Lee asked, leaping to his feet and over to the rushing stretcher in the blink of an eye.

"There was a huge house fire downtown. No fatalities but a couple with minor burns and smoke inhalation. They need checked out straight away" Explained the paramedic.

"I'll do it!" Summer cried, springing up straight away.

"I'll help you!" Charlie followed but was cut off by Lee.

"We need that chat" The senior doctor told him.

"But we have crispy people!" Pleaded Charlie.

"I've got it" Mark called, alerting everyone to his sudden appearance. It seemed that word had spread as fast as the fire apparently had and now everyone was coming out, looking for some action.

"And so does Summer" Lee said, for both her benefit and Charlie's.

"Let's get them straight to the burns unit, people. Doctor Harrington, are you ready?" Mark asked, all traces of the fun dinner host gone. This was the most professional she had seen him.

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