Chapter 4

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Chris looked up at his doctor and nurse in horror.

"You can't find anything?" He asked them.

"The CAT scan hasn't shown up anything yet and neither have the blood tests, although we're still waiting for all of the results" Lee confirmed.

"So what does this mean?" Asked Chris.

"We're going to try again" Carly explained.


"Absolutely" Lee added, "I know we're supposed to discharge you if there's nothing but there is clearly something going on, considering this keeps happening to you. So while we've got the space, time and resources, I want to stick with it. I never leave a man behind, alright?"

"Thanks" Chris smiled.

They both left him to it and walked together down the bare corridors.

"You ok?" Carly asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Because I know you like to be quiet but I'm getting a vibe off of you"

"A vibe?"

"Yeah. Is everything ok? You know you can talk to me, right?"

Lee sighed, but finally confided in his wife. "I just forget how tough this job can be sometimes".

"What do you mean?"

"Well, look at Chris. He's terrified of what's happening to him. At his age he should be out there, going to parties and chasing girls. Not sitting in a hospital bed, shitting himself over how long it's going to be before he comes back again" Lee said sounding defeated.

"Aw I know honey, but that's what the job is unfortunately. Just keep telling yourself how amazing it's going to feel once we figure out what's wrong with him and we can send him away and never see him again" Carly laughed, as did Lee. It was a running joke at the hospital where as much as they liked some of their patients, they really hoped they never had to see them again.

"The nature of the beast" Lee quoted every other doctor that worked there.

"Doctor Dawson, there's a phone call for you at reception" A nurse, seemingly coming from nowhere, interrupted their conversation.

"I'll be right there" He smiled happily, not letting her know how he was truly feeling at that moment.

The nurse left them and so Carly continued by saying "Exactly. If anyone can figure out what's wrong with Chris, it's you".

"Thanks. Where are you off to now?"

"I think I'll go see how Mr. Parks is going" She answered. "Last I saw him he'd improved so much that they're thinking of sending him home!"

"That's awesome!" Lee cried.

"It really is! He's been here for what feels like forever so it's good to see him finally looking good. So I'll go see to him while you go get that phone call and then we can meet in the cafeteria for lunch?"

"Sounds good to me, see you soon!" Lee smiled before turning into the opposite direction of his wife.

Carly was worried about him, but knew he'd pull himself together shortly. Lee loved a challenge, even if it involved someone else's health. He'd never admit to it, but she knew it to be true.

She walked for a few minutes before arriving at the bed of sixty-six year old Arthur Parks.

"How are we today Arthur?" She asked the man.

Mr. Parks had been taken in after suffering from a stroke but had shown remarkable signs of improvement in the last few weeks and he was likely to be discharged within the next twenty-four hours. Although Carly hadn't seen much of him, she really liked the old man and despite being happy he was better, she felt like she was going to miss him.

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