Chapter 14

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Regardless of Lee's desire to return to his hometown and hide, he knew that it wasn't his home anymore. This was. And he was about to head off and face the inevitable music of his wife and her bizarre assertions.

He'd managed to avoid her for the whole day, and even quickly changed direction when he'd spotted her coming, fully aware of how childish he was being. He was still hopeful that she hadn't seen him though. That was now about to change though.

Since they'd taken separate cars to work, he quickly dived into his one, and intended to get away as sharp as possible, but Carly had other ideas.

Just as he was pulling out of the hospital parking lot, Carly appeared in front of him as if by magic, holding her hands out towards the fast approaching car as if it was going to help her if he did in fact hit her. Thankfully, he was able to slam on the breaks and stop, mere inches in front of her.

"What the hell are you doing?" He cried through the wide open window.

"I need to talk to you" Carly said, gasping for breath after her brush with the car.

"You've just finished your shift; you don't want to go back in as a patient do you? You idiot!"

"Look, I'm sorry about last night" She said, ignoring the insult that had been sent her way.

"Is this really the best place for this?" Lee groaned, not wanting to cause any more of a scene than a man almost running over his wife had already done.

"Why wouldn't it be?" Asked Carly, surveying their surroundings and apparently seeing nothing wrong with the two of them blocking the exit.

"Let's just do this at home, alright? I don't want anyone else knowing our business" Lee told her at least part of the truth.

"I'm going to see my mom for dinner" Carly grimaced. "I made the plans last night after . . . you know" She didn't want to mention the fight from the previous night by name, as if that banishing the words would banish the incident itself.

"Well after that then. Whatever, just get off the road. I'm holding people up" Lee hissed, pointing at the tiniest backlog of traffic that the dispute had caused.

"You can come with me to see my parents if you want?" Carly suggested, stepping up onto the kerb as she spoke, as if she'd only just realised the dangers of standing in the middle of the road.

"Yes, because discussing our problems with your parents is a fantastic idea!" Lee cried sarcastically. "I'll see you at home" He mumbled before finally sinking his foot on the pedal and leaving Carly standing in frustration.

At least he hadn't lost his stubbornness.

After getting home though, Lee was somewhat reminded of his life pre-Carly. He tidied the house, mostly because he didn't like mess, but there was also a part of him that felt he should prepare for the worst case scenario of having to sleep in the car again. One night was enough so he made sure the couch was habitable this time.

With the place looking a bit more respectful, Lee made himself a boring dinner and sat in front of the television, although didn't really watch what was on the screen in front of him. He had no idea how long Carly would be at her parents' house but if it was anything like the last time they'd paid a visit, she wouldn't be home till after midnight. The Oliver family loved a catch up and the mysterious absence of their eldest daughter's husband would probably create a lot more topics of conversation than usual.

After finally giving up on the TV that he hadn't been watching, he began silently reading his reports for work, checking up on his long term patients but he was finding it far too difficult to concentrate. It felt as if someone was constantly talking over his shoulder, but he was all alone.

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