Chapter 33

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Carly washed down a couple of painkillers that she'd liberated from one of the cabinets with a cup of water, hoping it would perk her up a bit.

She'd stepped out of Hannah's room while the little girl slept; leaving the young Doctor Dolan to watch over her while she took a breather. Despite Hannah's room having an open window, Carly still felt like she was being starved of oxygen.

Feeling unwell at work was nothing new of course; she worked in a hospital for Christ sake. Probably eighty per cent of the city's diseased population were in this one place and despite the preventative measures that they were always taking, the members of staff were never immune to these illnesses and infections.

There was also the possibility of a hospital 'superbug' but Carly didn't really want to consider that.

She took a stroll back to the main waiting area while her tablets took effect, wanting to look the complete opposite of how she felt when she returned to the poor girl's side. An hour and a half had passed since Charlie and Summer had provided the required medication and now it was just a waiting game to see how it helped. If it even helped at all.

Before stepping into the centre of the room where everyone around would be able to see her, she peered round the walls, looking for Hannah's family who hadn't moved an inch since she'd been treated.

She spotted them slumped across a couple of chairs in the corner, the father sitting with another young girl on his lap, presumably Hannah's sister. Chris was squatting down in front of them, still trying to talk them into remaining calm. Carly didn't know how, but he seemed to be succeeding.

"He's a natural huh?" Summer's voice startled the nurse.

"Who is the girl, Hannah's sister?" Carly asked to make sure.

"Yeah" Summer nodded. "Katie. She's a couple of years younger than her sister. She keeps asking to see her"

"I don't see why we can't let them. Look at them, they're distraught" Carly sighed.

"It won't be long, I promise" Summer said, placing a hand on Carly's shoulder. The nurse laughed a little.

"Isn't it weird how not long ago you were always asking me questions and now here I am following your orders?"

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be pushy" Summer groaned, cringing at how she must have sounded.

"No don't worry about it. It's a good thing" Carl assured her.

"It is?"

"Of course. It shows how far you've come and how confident you are. I'm really proud of you" This time it was Carly patting the doctor on the back.

Just across the room, Chris was fielding questions from the family left, right and centre.

"I just don't understand why we can't sit with her" Mr. Black stated.

"I understand how you feel, believe me I do" Chris said sympathetically. "But the doctors have told me that she's sleeping at the moment and we really need her to be completely rested for the medication to take its best hold" He quoted Charlie's description to him, almost word for word.

"My poor girl" Sobbed Mrs. Black. Chris grimaced, knowing that nothing he could say would cheer this woman up.

"When will I get to see Hannah again?" The young girl, Katie, asked.

"Soon. I promise" Chris reiterated.

"Will she be able to go home soon? I want to show her my picture I drew for her. I forgot to take it with me" Katie's questions were breaking Chris' heart.

"She'll be home before you know it. Do you want to know a secret?" He asked.

"Uh huh" The girl nodded.

"Well don't tell anyone" He made a show of looking around to check if anyone was listening before saying "But the doctors here are the best ever. They even made me all better when I didn't feel well not long ago"

"Really?" She gasped in wonder.

"Really!" He said exaggeratedly. "So I have no doubts that she'll be back soon and she'll be able to draw you a picture too" He smiled.

Watching from afar, Carly and Summer were almost in tears, the latter having to hold her hand to her chest to stop her heart from spilling out. Even Hannah's father was having an even harder time keeping it together after this particular exchange.

"Guys" A hoarse voice came from behind them, the whole room turning in its direction as one.

A stone faced Doctor Dolan stood before them all.

"What is it Charlie?" Carly asked, feeling sick for a whole different reason now.

"Good news?" Summer's voice caught in her throat.

Charlie's shoulders straightened as he prepared to project his voice enough for everyone to hear before stating his news as formally as he could.

"She's waking up".


Ok so I was having a little writers block with this part and once I started writing, I found that this seemed to be a great cliffhanger to leave you all on! Even if it's a super short chapter, I feel that I managed to fit in a whole lot. I hope you guys agree. Now I know you're all desperate to see what happens so I wont keep you waiting long!

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