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I'm lowkey turning into MSI trash oop

Their music is strangely addictive and I'm listening to the entire Frankenstein Girls album all the way through and it's so good

And all of it's so offensive and honestly I've stopped giving a shit at this point

If you told me like three months ago that in a few months I would be obsessed with a song called "Faggot," I would  have laughed

And their shows look S O lit as well, even though I don't think there's a single show where Jimmy hasn't been high on some sort of drug

QOTD: Opinion on MSI?

Song of the day: Faggot by MSI, oops-- DON'T TAKE IT SERIOUSLY Y'ALL, DON'T GET OFFENDED also it's the beginning of the school day and this is stuck in my head this isn't goOd


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