Lucid Dreaming

25 7 4

Ok so

I know lucid dreaming has been a big thing lately, especially with Shane making a video about it. (Don't be freaked out by the thumbnail idk what that is)

If you guys didn't know, lucid dreaming is where you're dreaming, but you're aware that you're dreaming and are able to control and shape what you see and do and where you go in your dream.

I REALLY want to do it, SO bad. It sounds completely amazing. 

But then he started talking about the bad sides, and then I got scared. Like if it turns into a nightmare, and sometimes if it's really bad it can result in sleep paralysis.

Oh well. I guess I'll try it and just be SUPER CAREFUL.

QOTD: If you were to lucid dream, what are some things you would want to happen?

AOTD: Meet my girlfriend, have Donald Trump not be our president, have MCR be back together, have Ryan Ross release his fucking album already, meet ALL of you guys and have us go to a day full of concerts (holy shit that'd be amazing)

Song of the day: Lovely by twenty one pilots, it's beautiful (at the top)


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