social media

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So I realized I haven't put all my social media on here, here we go!!


@/insertwittyusername2- main
@/abandtrashcan- uncensored MCR account that my mom doesn't know about
@/leamustdie- spam that I just made

Tumblr:  @/insertwittyusername2

Twitter: @/abandtrashcan

YouTube: I'm just "Leah", with a profile pic of Gerard in that really pretty pink and blue light

I think that's it !!

QOTD: Favorite YouTuber?

AOTD: CrankThatFrank 

Song of the day: Sis. Anger by BABYMETAL- one of their heavier tracks in terms of instrumental, also has this really cool 3/4 time part and it's KILLER I love it PLEASE LISTEN TO IT 

I'm also S U P E R sick right now so I probably shouldn't be headbanging but


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