Oh yeah

23 6 3

Oh I kinda forgot

This evening, I felt like absolute shit and idk why. I was just feeling really sad and down and depressed, so I sat down and put MCR on shuffle like any typical angsty teen

And then it got worse. I went into a mini anxiety attack over something small- I couldn't find something, and my mom was yelling at me and ack. Then after that, I was nervously folding my clothes but for some reason it was kind of difficult to breathe and I was lowkey shaking.

I don't know what that was. Do any of you know? Could it be considered like a drawn out panic or anxiety attack?

I took a shower and that part got better, but I'm still feeling really negative and down :))) probably why I'm listening to so much fiatp right now

song of the day #2: Miss Me by fiatp (super emotional and sad but beautiful and raw)


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