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Hello! I am here today to tell you about my irl friend group- my other dysfunctional family.


It includes: me, v-nilla, Claire, Neha, Shirley, Sophia, Jack, and Jaime. And holy shit, we are crazy.

The whole thing started when v-nilla started calling Claire and I Mama Noodle #1 and Mama Noodle #2 respectively. I assume this happened because we are both very tall, and have to keep her in check sometimes as she can be very much like a small child. She was also very tired, and gets EXTREMELY random when she is tired.

We then decided that she was our "child" and that we had been married but are now divorced, and have an ongoing custody battle over her, which is quite hilarious sometimes.

We then decided that Kyla, aka doctorwho2228, my girlfriend, was by relation v-nilla's stepmom, so she calls her Mama Macaroni or Lil Mama Mac, since Kyla's small and cute!

Neha became the Cool Single Aunt, since she's super chill and mature and motherly

Jack became the drunk uncle because he wanted to

Sophia's the dog and Shirley's the cat, since they are both obsessed with those animals (and I'm allergic to both rip)

Jaime is the hyper cousin

So as you can tell, we're probably one of the strangest groups of friends. We also have designated spots at our lunch table, and if you take Neha's spot she will personally murder you, since she's been sitting in the same seat every day since sixth grade. Or she'll ask me, because she's too gentle to murder anyone.

SO that was crazy and probably nothing you guys wanted to know, but I felt like putting it out there

I rly want to hear any crazy friend stories if you guys have them, so comment here !


P.S. song at the top is my song of the day, might start doing those- this song is the pessimist's christmas song it's gr9

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