Chapter 47- As Long As You're There To Help

Start from the beginning

"Come one Mols, I don't even have to ask Maé if you've gone further than the beach below cos I know you haven't" he said. "Junior is only out of hospital" Molly told him. "And he is healthy. He is being taken care of like if Mother Teresa was caring for him. Our son is fine. Fresh air is important too" he told her. "But taking him out there" she pointed over the balcony. There's more people. More staring. Photographers. Cristiano you don't want to deal with any of that either" she said.

"Please Molly" he begged. "No" she said. "Mols there's always going to be cameras in our faces. If I could do anything that would change that then I would but I can't. And you, me and our son is no one else's business. I don't care what they say or write, I just want to show my son the Island I grew up on. Where we are going to call home" he said. "Do you promise me that if I want to come back to the house then you will bring us straight back?" she asked. "I promise" he smiled knowing she was about to agree. "Ok" she muttered.

"Yes" he clapped and rushed to her sun lounger. "Thank you" he said throwing his arms around her. "Careful" she said and he leaned back. "Great now I have orange juice all over me" she said. "Oops" he said. "I knew that donut came with a catch" she mumbled. "But you'll have a great day. I promise" he smiled. "That or I'll shove a camera down someone's throat and you'll have to bail me out of jail" she said. "Ya I wouldn't recommend doing that. Though I would pay any bail if required" he said. "Oh my hero" she playful said and he laughed. "Well of course I would. Who else would make me brownies" he joked.

"I swear you think about food more than I do" she said. "Must be from all the time I spend with you then" he smiled. "Must be. Right you keep an ear out for Junior, I'm going for a shower. My legs are all sticky thanks to you" she said ushering him off her chair. He held out his hand and pulled her up. "You go shower. I'll stay with Junior. And then we can head out" he said. "Fine" she groaned. "Jezz you'd swear I was sending you to the firing squad" he said.

"At least my suffering would be over in seconds if you were" she mumbled as she stepped back into the bedroom. He sighed and shook his head. He knew where Molly was coming from. There was still a lot of attention on them and he knew it wasn't going to go away anytime soon. But he also knew it was important for Molly to get out of the house. He still didn't know how he was going to approach the matter of Molly leaving Junior while she leaves the house for a couple of hours. Since Junior had been discharged from hospital, Molly hasn't left him. If he's upstairs, she will only leave to go downstairs if he's with someone. He knew Junior's healthy was improving but if he wasn't careful then Molly's could go in the opposite direction he thought.

"So" he smiled as Molly pushed the buggy into the church. "Oh wipe that smile of your face" she grumbled and he laughed. "Ok fine. It hasn't been that bad been out and seeing the sights" she told him. "I told you that you would enjoy yourself" he said smugly. "Well apparently you aren't a bad tour guide. Though I'm not giving you a tip" she smirked as they walked up the aisle of the church. Cristiano had spent the morning showing her the lighthouse, the pier and places where he loved to spend time at when he was a child.

They didn't go unnoticed. A lot of fans had stopped them and though she hated the press taking her picture Molly was more than happy to take fans pictures with Cristiano. Though she couldn't understand why they would even want a picture with his ugly mug she had joked. "It's really peaceful in here" Molly whispered as they neared the alter. "I know some of my choices aren't exactly church approved, but it's still important to me" he whispered. "We all need someone to guide us" she told him. "I thought that was your job" he said and she looked up at him. "Or am I confusing guide with boss" he joked and she nudged him into his side.

"Hey hey. Not in front of our Lord" he said. "Come on and let's light this candle" she told him as she pushed Junior's buggy towards the candles. Cristiano had suggested it partly to get away from the growing number of paps that it had spotted. "Thanks for coming out today Mols" he said as she lit a candle. "Well you did get me a donut" she smiled. "If it only takes a donut to get you do what I want, then I need to get a weekly delivery to our house" he joked. "I wouldn't do that unless you want me to get so fat that I can't leave the house ever" she said.

Our Crazy Little Thing Called Family-Sequel to Take Good Care of My BabyWhere stories live. Discover now