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Hey guys! I have something very very very important to tell you! I was informed by i_am_a_potato8 that there is a cyber threat going around. It's an app called Blue Whale Game/Challenge. DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS!!! Please please do not download this or even google it. Let me explain why. Blue Whale Challenge/Game (BWC) is an app that supposedly makes you think that by doing 50 challenges, it will help you become a better person. But it's really a death trap. When you download the app, it hacks into all of your personal information. That means the people behind the app can see all of your phone numbers, location, and other things. The "challenges" start out easy. But they progressively get more and more dangerous, such as hurting yourself or your friends and family. And every time you complete a challenge they want a picture or something as proof. The last challenge is to kill yourself. If you don't they will send someone after you to kill you. Block any unknown calls or texts you get. Just stay safe guys. I love you all and I want you all to be safe.

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