Chapter 16: Oh no...

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Zane's POV
Aphmau and I come bursting through the door, arms full of shopping bags. Sitting on the couch in front of us is a blushing Gene and smirking Aaron. What happened while we were gone? Gene looks down, letting some hair cover his face. Poor Gene...maybe I shouldn't have forced him to spend time with Aaron. Meh. At this point I don't care. I'm too excited about shopping!! "Gene! Aaron! Look at all the cool stuff we got!" Aphmau shouts with excitement. I give her a smile as she rushes up to Aaron. He wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her into his lap, giving her a huge hug. Gene shoots Aaron a glare and gets up to lift me up in the air and hug me. I squeal and laugh slightly. Gene gives me a kiss on the cheek and Aphmau awwws. "So how was shopping?" Gene asks. "Good. We got a ton of clothes. Mine mostly black of course." I say. Gene rolls his eyes playfully and smirks. Gene leans down and whispers in my ear, "Id rather see you in nothing at all baby boy~ I blush and drop my bags. Gene slaps my butt and walks back to the couch. Aaron gives Gene a death glare. Seriously, what happened between them? Aphmau giggles and runs up stairs with her bags. I follow her up the stairs.

Aaron's POV
Damnit. He's flirting with Zane. Really after what just happened and he has the nerve to act like nothing happened between us. I listen to the door shut to Aphmaus room. In seconds I've pounced on Gene, pinning him to the couch. "What the hell Gene? After what just happened you have the nerve to flirt with Zane?" I whisper harshly in his ear. Gene shudders and replies with, "Last time I checked fucker, he's still my boyfriend." I grow and press my lips harshly against his. Gene grabs a fist full of my hair and shoves my head closer to his. I bite his bottom lip, wanting entrance. He lets me in, letting me leave no place untouched. I pull back, leaving Gene to pant. "Get off. They'll be back down soon." I shake my head and pull his head to the side, licking up his neck, nipping here and there. Gene lets out a heavy breath, grabbing on to my shirt with his fist. I hear a tiny squeal from behind me. I look up to see Zane standing at the top of the stairs, a shirt in his hand and tears in his eyes. Shit. "G-Gene? What's going on?" Zane whimpers out. Gene lifts his head up, eyes wide. "" Gene can't make out words. Zane has tears washing over his face. I turn my attention to Gene who has his hands in his lap and his head is down. Aphmau appears behind Zane, a pissed off look on her face. "AARON! What the hell?!"
"I-I'm sorry Aph..." She glares at me and pulls Zane into a hug. "Aaron I think it's best if you stay at Gene's tonight. Zane's staying here. Gene go home and take Aaron with you."
Gene gets off the couch and pulls me out the door with him.

Gene's POV
Crap. Crap. Crap. Zane's heart broken and Aaron's in trouble with Aphamu. I pull Aaron into my house and close the door. I turn back to face him and punch in square in the nose. "AARON WHAT DID I TELL YOU?!"
He looks at me and yells back, "You didn't try to stop me! Not once did you resist!! You can't blame me for getting mixed signals!"
I run my hands through my hair, wishing I could take back my mistakes. Zane might break up with me and I might loose whatever I have between Aphamu. What the fuck have I done?

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