Chapter 42 - Dating A Bella

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That night, Roman got a suit on and prepared to go to Nikki's room to pick up Brie for their date.

He was in his own room with Dean and Seth just talking about the date.

Dean Ambrose- "You moved to getting with Brie really quickly. I asked Nikki about it earlier and she told me that it was just after I left that you came in and asked Brie out."

Roman Reigns- "Why does it matter to Nikki what I do?"

Dean Ambrose- "She wasn't really bothered. I don't think it really mattered to her but she was definitely shocked."

Seth Rollins- "Can you imagine, if it works out between you and Brie, you would be Nikki's brother in law."

Dean Ambrose- "That's not that bad, you and Nikki are good now, right?"

Roman Reigns- "Well, you guys know that me and Nikki have had problems in the past but I think that we are past them. If me and Brie do happen to go far then I can get a better relationship with Nikki and we can be right from then on."

Dean Ambrose- "You haven't even had the first date and you're dreaming of being Nikki's brother-in-law, get a grip man."

Roman Reigns- "She's a nice girl, I can honestly see us getting together for a while."

Seth Rollins- "That's a much more positive outlook than Dean's idea."

Dean Ambrose- "My outlook is just much more realistic."

Roman looked at the gold watch on his arm.

Roman Reigns- "It's time for me to go now. I'll talk to you guys when I get back."

Seth Rollins- "Have fun, bro."

Roman went along to Nikki's room to pick up Brie. He knocked on the door and Brie answered it, wearing a red dress with hair looking fancy and her makeup making her look prettier than what she already was.

Roman Reigns- "You look fantastic."

Brie Bella- "Thank you, you look great too."

Roman Reigns- "I got us an Uber, it's waiting downstairs if you want to get going."

Brie Bella- "Let's go."

Roman and Brie walked downstairs, together, and got into the Uber which took them to a restaurant which Roman booked a table at.

The two sat down and got straight to talking.

Roman Reigns- "So how was your flight to Florida?"

Brie Bella- "Stressful, I'm not a good flyer, I get paranoid that something bad is going to happen. I watch a lot of conspiracy theory shows and they make me paranoid."

Roman Reigns- "I do love a good conspiracy. Do you think nine eleven was an inside job?"

Brie Bella- "That is a really interesting one to talk about. I think that the planes that hit the twin towers were not from the government orders, the plane that was supposed to hit the White House definitely was a government ploy, had it not been then it would of hit its target and the Pentagon story is just messed up. They claim a plane hit it but no plane wreckage could be found anywhere near it. Something was either fired in or fired out and I think the government set it up themselves, I have no doubts about that."

Roman Reigns- "You are so passionate about things like this, that's adorable."

Brie Bella- "If just frustrates me when people take everything the government say so seriously and only now that we have Trump in power do the majority of people even start to question things. This should of started a long time ago, in the sixties with the hippie revolution."

Roman Reigns- "I think there was a better way to spread a message than sex and ganja but it did work so fair play to them."

Brie Bella- "I see myself like a hippie, not in the sense of I like ganja, as you called it, but I'm a free spirit, open to everything."

Roman Reigns- "That is such a great way to look at situations. If you are open to everything then you can find happiness in everything."

Brie Bella- "I am a very positive person."

Roman Reigns- "I wish I had such a positive outlook."

Brie Bella- "It makes life easier, for sure."

The waiter came and they placed their orders. Brie got a black bean burger whereas Roman got a steak.

The two talked even more about conspiracy theories until the food came.

Roman Reigns- "How come you got the black bean burger?"

Brie Bella- "I'm a vegetarian."

Roman Reigns- "Any particular reason?"

Brie Bella- "I saw a video of a ton of little pigs in a cage who were going to be turned into bacon and I felt so bad for the little piggies so I decided that I'd take a stand and stay away from meat."

Roman Reigns- "I can respect that, although, because of my job, I need to eat it for the protein it gives me."

Brie Bella- "So that's how you got so muscly."

Roman Reigns- "Lifting weights and wrestling five days a week also helps."

Brie Bella- "Clearly. You are in such great shape. I want to get fitter myself and was thinking about going to the gym but college work has gotten in the way."

Roman Reigns- "I have to say, you are in quite good shape already."

Brie Bella- "You are too sweet."

The two are their meals together and had fun but little did they know, back at the apartments, Nikki Bella was not happy about the date.

Nikki spent an hour complaining to Paige and Becky that Brie and Roman were out together.

Nikki Bella "I can't believe that Brie, who knew how I felt, went out with him anyway."

Paige Bevis- "Nikki, you need to understand that Brie doesn't come across rich, muscly, good looking wrestlers everyday. You see one every single day."

Nikki Bella- "Who's that?"

Paige Bevis- "Dean of course."

Becky Lynch- "Finn is all of those things too."

Nikki Bella- "Back on topic. I have told Brie, probably more than anyone, how I felt and yet she dates him."

Becky Lynch- "It might not work out, you never know."

Paige Bevis- "They could end up hating each other."

Nikki Bella- "I hope so!"

Paige Bevis- "So what actually is your problem with them?"

Becky Lynch- "About Roman? Or Brie? Or yourself?"

Nikki Bella- "Yes, exactly."

Nikki complained and complained over and over again until Brie came through the door.

Becky Lynch- "Me and Paige need to go do something in her room."

Becky forced Paige out the door, leaving just the twins, Nikki and Brie in the room. Nikki immediately changed her tone.

Nikki Bella- "Hey Brie, how did your date go?"

Brie Bella- "He kissed me goodnight and we agreed we'd do it again."

Nikki Bella- "That's great. Good job."

Brie Bella- "I'm really tired though so I'm just going to sleep now."

Nikki Bella- "Good night, Brie."

Authors Note: The relationship between Brie and Roman is flourishing, how do you think it'll go? Leave comments and vote for all of my Chapters and of course follow me on Wattpad.

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