Chapter 31 - Hope

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Tuesday -5/10/18- Dean had been gone for six months and the police still had not given Paul Levesque, Brooke Cogan or any of the rookies an update on where he was.

Since Dean's disappearance nothing had really changed. Seth and AJ were still a couple. As were Becky and Finn. Paige still had feelings for the now missing Dean Ambrose.

The rookies were still training hard, five times a week, at the Performance Centre, under Paul Levesque.

It was during a training session that Paul got the call that he waited six months for.

The rookies were practicing top rope moves when Paul's phone went.

Paul Levesque- "You guys keep practicing while I take this call."

Paul went over to his bag and answered his phone.

Paul Levesque- "Hello, Paul Levesque speaking."

Officer Charles- "Mr Levesque, It's police Officer Charles here. I believe that you filed a report that someone that you know went missing around six months ago, we have an update on the case."

Paul Levesque- "What news can you tell me?"

Officer Charles- "We know that the person you lost, Mr Dean Ambrose, is in the state of Nevada. Specifically, the Black Rock Desert and are currently setting up an investigation which will see us cover the entire desert in an attempt to find him."

Paul Levesque- "I need to see him as soon as possible and find out where his mind is at."

Officer Charles- "Would you like to come to Nevada with us on the investigation?"

Paul Levesque- "I'd love to but I'm a very busy man."

The trainees had stopped their practice to listen to Paul's side of the conversation with the police officer.

Paul kept on talking and slowly turned around to face the rookies.

Paul Levesque- "You know, I think I might of just found some people who can help you with your investigation."

Officer Charles- "Can I take their names?"

Paul Levesque- "Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins."

Officer Charles- "Anyone else?"

Paul looked at Paige who seemed emotional at that moment.

Paul Levesque- "Yes, Paige Bevis, and that's all of them."

Officer Charles- "Get them to Nevada and we will start the investigation."

Paul Levesque- "Thank you, Officer."

Paul hung up and put his phone into his bag.

Paige Bevis- "Good news?"

Paul Levesque- "The police believe that Ambrose is in Nevada and are starting an investigation in the Black Rock Desert. Paige, Seth and Roman, you three are going to Nevada to help find him. Good luck."

Seth Rollins- "When do we leave."

Paul Levesque- "I'm guessing the police will phone back confirming when you will go."

Roman Reigns- "We are going to do you proud, we'll find him."

Paul Levesque- "Don't come back until you have him. I care a lot for that kid."

Paige Bevis- "We know. We care for him too."

Paul Levesque- "You can take the WWE private jet but if anything gets damaged I will kick your asses."

Roman Reigns- "We won't let you down."

Paul instructed Paige, Roman and Seth to leave training immediately and go home to pack for the trip and then go straight to the airport.

Paul had alerted the pilot of the private jet that he would need to take Seth, Paige and Roman to Nevada and so the pilot was waiting and ready to take off.

Whilst on the plane, Seth got a text from Paul with directions on how to get from the airport to the police station that was handling the investigation.

Paul was even nice enough to book the rookies a hotel near the station for a full week just incase the investigation ran for a long period of time. The desert was huge and so Paul expected that to happen and the investigation would begin the day after Seth, Paige and Roman landed and so the hotel would at least be in use for one night at the very least.

The plane landed at around 6pm and the rookies got to the station at 7pm that same day via an Uber.

The three rookies selected to hunt for Dean went into the police station and were greeted by Officer Charles.

Officer Charles- "It's really good to meet you three courageous people. As you know, we intend to find your friend. Do any of you have pictures of him?"

Seth went through his phone showing Officer Charles many pictures of Dean doing typical Dean things. Chugging beers, flipping the bird etc.

Officer Charles- "He seems like a real character this Dean kid."

Roman Reigns- "Wait until you actually meet him, that should be fun."

Roman then got out his phone and showed Officer Charles the pictures of Dean that he had. As you could imagine, they were very similar to the ones Seth had.

Paige was next to get her phone out but her pictures of Dean were very different. The only pictures of Dean that Paige had were pictures of the two together beside each other making silly faces and messing around.

Paige Bevis- "You guys feel free to look through the rest of those pictures, I need to go to the toilet."

Paige went into the toilet and immediately started crying.

Paige Bevis(thought)- "Six months without him, this is too much. So many memories came flooding back when I saw those pictures of us together. You need to stay strong, you'll find him."

Paige came back out of the toilet and went back to join the others. Roman handed Paige her phone back.

Officer Charles- "Now we know exactly who we are looking for, you guys have already made a great contribution. The search starts early tomorrow morning so I'd advise that you get some good rest in your hotel."

Seth Rollins- "See you tomorrow Officer."

Paige, Roman and Seth left the station and walked back to their hotel where they took Officer Charles' advise and went to sleep early in preparation for the day ahead.

Authors Note: The rookies are on track to find Dean but will they actually find him, let me know by leaving a comment and as always vote for the Chapter and follow me on Wattpad.

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