I caressed her cheek, knowing I was treading on thin ice touching her in any way. " Carino, I've already told you before that you are not an easy woman to forget."

She laughed into my chest. "It's because I'm a total hot mess."

"No, because you're beautiful, memorizing, breathtaking....do I need to go on? Because I can."

"Ha, you forgot contradicting, annoying and pain in the ass."

Her fingers start to draw hauntingly slow circles on my skin. "I didn't know you had one, two, three... four from what I can see, tattoos hiding beneath that suit of yours."

I clutched onto her hand, detaining it above her head as I turned my body to the side hovering over her. "Scarlett, I am a man barely holding on to any shred of control. Doing that does not help my situation."

She gave me a daunting smile, confirming all my suspicions. She knows exactly what her touch does to me. "Do you want to talk about it your nightmare? Maybe, watching some TV will get your mind off it?"

My fingers ghost over the skin on her neck. "Scarlett, the only thing on my mind right now is you."

"Prove it then." She stated matter of factly.

"Are you sure you're ready for me to do, what you command temptadora?"

Scarlett's gazed at me. Eyes filled with a desire that burns so vividly, we are both bound to get burned. A dangerous game to teeter across a line that we can't come back from. But, at this moment we don't seem to care. The yearning for each other's touch becoming too unbearable to ignore any longer.

I placed her head to the side, intertwining my fingers with the hand I settled above her head. She laid there frozen in anticipation biting down on her bottom lip. She gasped, as I started to nuzzle her neck, taking in the sweet scent of her. This time our kiss would be slow, I wanted her to relish every last second.

Breathing into her skin I placed one gentle kiss.

"Slowly," I whispered.

I bring my head to the other side of her neck grazing my lips against her skin as I placed another kiss.

"Ruegame, do you want me to kiss your lips? Then beg." I breathed out my voice sounding huskier.

I teased her with the brush of my tongue after each kiss, sucking and biting as I pleased across her neck and collarbone.

"Elias, kiss me." She pleaded, her tone laced with ecstasy.

Despite her wishes, I continued to antagonize.  Loving how she squirmed beneath me, sensing her rile up with every passing second. She was going to savor the feel of my lips on her skin. This moment would be etched into her memory, she would never forget how I made her feel.

I cupped her face with one hand while my lips crashed into hers. Our lips moistened as they came together again, hungry and desperate for more. Scarlett's bottom lip captured between mine, a mere run of her tongue across my lip causing me to groan in pleasure. She tugged her hand from me and pulled my hair, deepening our kiss.

She detached herself from my lips though ragged hollow breaths she tried to speak. "Eliiiiaaas...we....shouldn't...be doin- aah." I ran my tongue across her collarbone and down her neck going lower.

In this very second, I knew I would never have enough. My quench for Scarlett would never be satisfied with just this kiss. I needed more, I would always want, crave for more of her.

Unable to contain myself any longer, I kissed her lips again with fervor. She tugged at the flesh on my back, digging her nails in as her tongue made its way back into my mouth gentle but demanding.

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