Chapter Thirty Three- Happy Burthday Rose, Part One

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Not So Bad After All
Book One
Chapter Thirty Three
-Happy Birthday Rose, Part One-
Rose's Pov


We celebrated new years with a bang. We invited Sky and Brandon over. Jason was at a college party so he didn't come. It would've been pretty awkward if he had. But my sisters were there and Nora was surprisingly on her best behavior.

We decorated the house, had snacks and food. Mom and I baked a cake like we always do and we counted down for the ball to drop and shouted HAPPY NEW YEAR when it did.

There were a few things that were different this new year, though. Like the fact that Sky and Brandon were celebrating with us, Nora brought home a guy for once Like, getting to kiss Jayden at midnight.

I'll never forget those fireworks.

Now, eight days later, it's my birthday! I'm officially eighteen.

I don't usually do much for my birthdays. My family sings happy birthday to me around a homemade strawberry cake that my Mom makes for me every year, they give me presents and we hangout, play music and some cards. That's it and I love it. That's exactly what's happening this year too.

"Make a wish!" My Mom cheered.

I closed my eyes and wished for a healthy baby brother or sister, then blew out the flame on all of the candles.

"Thank you guys" I beamed at everyone. "Ma this cake looks amazing."

"It was your father's idea to make the icing purple and put little books on it," Mom admitted.

I loved it. That really was a thoughtful thing to do.

"Thanks you Dad," I hugged him and squeezed him tight.

"No problem baby girl," he smiled and returned the bear hug.

My Dad has the best bear hugs. It's because he's a big guy. Tall, at least six foot three and husky. Under all the fat, he had a thick layer of muscle that made him look like someone you didn't want to fuck with. He always kept his hair in a short fade and these days he was rock a gray in his hair to match some of the grays in his beard. Honestly, if he didn't have any gray hair, you wouldn't know he was in his forties. And although my Dad is a man of few words, he's always been the great man in my life and the love he has for my mom has always given me hope that someday I'll find a man like him.

"Why didn't you want a party again?" Jayden asked as I cut the first piece of cake and placed it on a purple paper plate.

"I don't know. I never liked to make a big deal of it. It such a small thing to celebrate in the grand scheme of things. Spending it with my family and Sky has always been enough," I explained.

"Trust me, we try every year to give her a party but she always finds out and stops it. Can't get nothing past her. Just like her mother," Dad gave me a playful nudge on the arm.

"She thinks everyone has something better to do than celebrate her birthday," Laura told Jayden.

"Which usually I do, because I'm the only one here with a life," Jadon said before picking up that purple plate of cake.

"Being a womanizer doesn't mean you have a life it just means that you have too much time on your hands," I jabbed as I threw a crumpled purple napkin at him.

"Well, your wrong," Jayden met my eyes. "The party you threw for me was amazing. The one you threw for Sky last year was just as good. You deserve to be celebrated too, Rose."

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