Chapter Twenty Four, Special Chapter

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Not So Bad After All
Book One
Chapter Twenty Four
-Special Chapter-
-Picture of Sky-
Sky's Pov


"Yeah, Rose and I are gonna go to the mall later. I'd invite you but Rose's sisters are probably gonna tag along and I don't trust Nora around you."

"Nora? Didn't she date Ryan first?" Brandon asked.

"Yup, and she reminds everyone of that every chance she gets. That's why she and Rose are always arguing."

He laughed, "She'll get over it. Shit from what it looks like, Ryan isn't too interested in Rose either."

My heart sank and I couldn't figure out if it was because I'm happy he's finally leaving her alone after almost stalking her for a month straight, or if my heart hurts for her because I know she really does have love for him, and breaking up with him hurt her a lot. But it was necessary.

"Why would you say that?"

"You know I don't like to be in people's business, but have you been paying attention to Ryan lately?"

"Yeah, he's a fucking pig who doesn't deserve Rose."

"Yeah your right, but that's not what I'm talking about," He paused. "He's acting differently. He looks different. He smokes a lot more. He barely shows up to football practice. The coach is thinking about kicking him off the team. His grades are really bad so the coach is gonna have to do it anyway soon."

I can tell he's worried about his friend, just like I'm worried about mine. Rose hasn't spoken to him since couples night and that's the way I hope she keeps it. Without Ryan around, she's a much happier person. Especially since she and Jayden are kind of friends now. She's always smiling and laughing. Jayden doesn't even act like a jerk anymore... I love them together. They are perfect for each other, it's just taking them forever to realize that, but they'll get there.

"I can't say I'm surprised or that feel bad for him. Karma is a bitch... and as for the smoking, he's been smoking weed since like the seventh grade... So it just might seem like a lot to us because we're not smokers."

"Sky, I'm worried about what he's smoking..."

"Wow," I sat up against my headboard in bed. "What do you mean, Brandon?"

"Well, a couple of the guys were talking after practice the other day about how much his slacking is affecting the team. I overheard one of the guys say that if he'd lay off the crack he wouldn't be so out of it all the time. I don't know how true it is, but it does make sense."

I can't believe what I'm hearing! If anyone should've known by his behavior that he's abusing drugs it should've been me. My father was on drugs for years... I should've seen it... I should've known!

"This makes so much sense now! Rose doesn't know about this..."

"Are you gonna tell her?"

"Rose is a bleeding heart. If I tell her she'll want to help him, and trust me, you can't help someone stop abusing drugs. He'll take advantage of her kindness every chance he gets. Only rehab can help him now. We can't tell Rose."

"Well, what if she goes back to him? They do that back and forth shit a lot."

"Your right. Maybe I should tell her then... Ugh!"

Rose is my best friend, I don't want her to get hurt. But if she has to know, I rather she hear it from me than from some random person. But then what if her parents find out? This is a small town, everyone knows everything about each other... They already don't like him, this would just be the icing on the cake for them.

Not So Bad After All (BWWM)(EDITING)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें