Chapter Seven

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Not So Bad After All
Book One
Chapter Seven
Rose's Pov

"Here, take this," Sky put two white tablets in my hand and held out a bottle of water for me.

"What is this?" I stared at them.

"It'll help with the headache," she assured me.

"I'm not sure anything other than death can fix this headache," I tossed the tablets in my mouth and swallowed it with a chug of water.

I might seem dramatic, but I've never had a headache this painful before.

"Well lay back down and go back to sleep. We'll talk about your actions from last night when you wake up."

In that case I hope I stay asleep... but I'm not that lucky. When I woke back up some hours later feeling exactly same, Sky was there again. Only this time, she not only had meditation and water for me, but food too! Did I ever mention how much I love her?

"So I gotta ask..." Sky paused as she sat down on her bed beside me. "How much did you really drink last night?"

"I don't know... It doesn't take much for me to get drunk. You know I have a low tolerance for alcohol."

"Okay, but you normally don't drink... Not that much, at least. It's usually you picking me up off the floor. What made you want to drink?"

"I wasn't thinking... Ryan and I were arguing about something," I shrugged. "I just wanted to let go a little. I always feel so uptight."

"What happened?" She asked, "What'd he do now?"

I stared down at the chicken on my plate hesitantly. Not sure if I wanted to talk about it or not. It's just gonna stir up some unwanted emotions.

"What happened, Rose?" She pushed but I could hear the concern in her voice.

Surrendering, I decide to tell her. She's my best friend. I know that she doesn't want to talk about this for the gossip, but because she's genuinely concerned about me.

"Okay," I inhaled deeply before letting it out. "You know Debbie, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, the one that's in our gym?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "Well, she told me that she saw him and Sara at the party kissing... Then she told me that that wasn't the first time she's seen them together like that..."

"You think she's telling the truth? You know people will say anything to see drama or have something to gossip about," she assured me.

"I don't know. After she told me, I looked for him, but I couldn't find him or her anywhere... I think I found him later on but I don't really remember much about the conversation because I was already drunk."

"You did find him. I was with Brandon but I saw you talking to him. You did look pretty drunk to me so that would explain everything..."

"Explain what?" I squinted my eyes at her.

"Rose, you really don't remember?"

"No. What exactly should I be remembering?" My heart started to pick up the pace, "What did I do?"


My eyes almost burst out of my head and my heart literally stopped beating for a moment, "I had sex with him?" I shouted.

"What? No!" She rapidly shook her head, "You danced with him!"

"Oh, thank God!" I sighed and tried to will my heart beat to slow down. "Wait, ew. Like, we were actually getting along?"

"Oh, you guys were definitely getting along. That's for sure," she chuckled.

"I do not like the way you said that... Please tell me that I didn't do something that I'm going to regret?"

"Well... You guys were getting along really well. Maybe too well. When you guys were dancing... I seriously don't even know how to say this! It's so weird!" She squealed.

"Tell me, damn it!" I yelled impatiently.

"You guys were dancing very sexually."

I bit my lip, "How sexually?"

"Like, he was gonna take you upstairs at any moment and fuck the shit out of you. And like you would've gladly allowed it."

"Oh. My. God!" I buried my face in my hands, "Do I even want details?"

"You're definitely gonna wanna know."

She told me everything... I don't think I've ever been so embarrassed in my life! Out of all the people in the world I could've danced with, why Jayden? I understand that we were both drunk, but, still... I still should've been able to have some damn sense. I just knew I was never going to hear the end of this from him... I can't believe his hands were on my ass! The worst part of this whole thing is, Sky said that I was really enjoying myself. Like I really liked dancing with him...

I'm so disappointed in myself, not because I got drunk, but because I let myself go with Jayden, out of all people... I should've been smarter than that. I am smarter than that. So what's going to happen now when I go to school? Everyone saw us... They're going to clown me about this tomorrow. I just know it! Jayden will get all the clout and I'm probably going to get slut shamed. That's just how people at our school are.

"If this helps any, you guys looked really sexy together. Not just the dancing, but you two being together. Like, the way your bodies moved together. The way you looked at each other. At one point he caressed your face... I thought he was gonna kiss you or something, but he didn't. Anyway, there were definitely some sparks between you guys, everyone could see it. I guess all you guys have to do is stop fighting all the time and you'll see it too," she excitedly told me.

"Stop, please stop. I think I'm gonna be sick," I got up and headed to her bathroom, "I need to take a shower. A long one!"

I turned the shower on, stripped out of my clothes and got in. The extremely hot water was purifying.

I just couldn't believe what Sky was saying... She had the nerve to say that we actually looked good together. What is wrong with her...?

I wanted to take back yesterday entirely.

This may not seem like a big problem to anyone else but imagine dancing and being sexual with the one person you hate the most, more than anything in the world. No one can really understand why he and I don't like each other... Honestly, every once in a while even I forget. Though he always seems to remind me...

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