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After telling Bella everything that she needed to know, she had this shocked look expression on her face. One of the very few times she has ever shown an expression. The twins then began waving their hands in-front of her face trying to bring her back down to earth. 

"Is there really a war?" Bella asked. The twins and I nodded, there had been names popping up on the radio for the past week or so of people who had gone missing.  We had talked for a few more minutes before getting a tent set up for the twins, one of the magical ones that they had used during the world cup so that there was the room for the two of them so that they could stay dry and work on any new pranks that they wanted to create for their joke shop. 

After making sure the Twins were comfortable I had went back to my room to get a few notebooks so that I could help them with some more designs and prank ideas. But soon as I opened my door I nearly screamed and got my wand out of my back pocket. Jasper had some how managed to get into my room. 

"What the hell are you doing in here?" I hissed my wand still pointed at him. This was the first time I had talked to him since he and his family came back earlier this month. 

"Darlin' that stick isn't going to do anything" He said 

"Petrificus Totalus!!"  I said Jasper then went rigid  and fell to the floor, thanks to the silencing spell I had placed nobody would have heard the loud thud that came from him falling. "I am so glad you're not a muggle, but don't worry, it should wear off in  few hours." I said grabbing my notebooks off of my desk and went back outside to the tent to talk with the Twins.

Fred and George knew I was in a bad mood after I had came back down. The three of us had known each other long enough that if I dyed my blonde hair ginger I could possibly pass as their older sister. "You gonna be alright Han?" They asked, I just shrugged my shoulders. I didn't really know when I would be okay again. It seems like it's been forever since I've been more than okay. Maybe once this war is over things would be somewhat normal, besides the fact that a few of my friends are shifters and the boy that I started to like is a vampire along with his family, and that said boy was now paralyzed on the floor in my room due to me not ready to talk to him.

I thanked Merlin dad wasn't home because both Bella and Edward screamed my name after they had gotten back from the Cullen house hold. "What did you do?" Bella began trying to be angry but looked around the tent in amazement. 

"I'm not ready to talk to him. As much as I want to talk to Jasper. I am simply not ready, nor do I know what to say since I found out he is a vampire." I said not looking at my half-sister. "Also the spell will wear off in an hour or so." I shrugged like it was no big deal while the twins snickered behind me sitting at the kitchen table.

This, was going to be an even longer day as Bella had her normal constipated look on her face while Edward had a look of confusion and amusement in his eyes.     

The Half-Blood and The Boy With Golden EyesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang