Its All About You Part 2.

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The girls were asking questions a pon questions about what we did and I didn't really feel comfortable saying oh we just stayed in bed and made love till the last day. You cant casually say that and I wasn't gonna say it.

Kylie:"Urg! You're no fun"She said making me smile and go back to my phone.

Bella:"Well can you at least answer one question?"She asked making me nod.

Gigi:"Was she good?"She asked smirking like the other girls. I blushed and nodded making them squeal.

Kendall:"Oh my god!"She said making me laugh. We all talked till we heard Ken's door open and close reveling a very happy Y/n. I smiled and ran towards her and jumped on her making her catch me.

Y/n:"Hey baby"She said in my neck making me smile and kiss her cheek.

Hailey:"Hey baby..."I said looking at her. She smiled and put me down and pecked my lips a few times.

Y/n:"I *kiss* missed *kiss* you *Kiss"She said between kisses making me giggle.

Hailey:"Babe you saw me a few hours ago"I said making her pout.

Y/n:"That's long babe"She said making me shake my head at her. She pulled me in for another hug and put her face in my neck planting small kisses on it. I giggled and tried to push her away making her kiss it more. We heard people clear their throats making us pull away.

Kylie:"We're here to...."She said making Y/n pull away and chuckle.

Y/n:"Sorry girls I just missed my girl"She said making me blush and hide my face. She chuckled and opened her arms"Give Y/n/n some love"She said making them all run and hug her.

Bella:"We haven't seen you in days"She said making Y/n chuckle and hum.

Y/n:"Busy schedule"She said as they pulled away. They all smirked at her.

Kendall:"I bet...."She said making Y/n let out a nervous laugh.

Gigi:"And you guys thought that pillow talk was bad"She said making all of them laugh and nod.

Bella:"We were clearly mistaken cause porn worse"She said making me blush and Y/n chuckle.

Y/n:"Okay you can tease us all you want but I wrote what I felt and that was how I felt"She said making them eww.

Kylie:"TMI!"She yelled throwing a pillow at Y/n.  Y/n chuckled and kissed my cheek.

Y/n:"If I knew you would make me this happy I would have asked you out a long time ago babe"She said making me blush and peck her lips.

Hailey:"Do you always have to be so charming?"I asked making her smirk.

Y/n:"Yeah....makes the girls go crazy"She said making me hit her chest"But I only have eyes for one"She said kissing my neck. I smiled and kissed her cheek making her grin. We saw the girls sitting in the living room making us plop down next to them.

Bella:"Had enough of making out?"She asked making us shake our heads.

Hailey:"Never"I said making them all chuckle and Y/n smirk. She looked at them and smiled.

Y/n:"So what do you ladies wanna do?"She asked looking at us. We were all looking around thinking what to do.

Kendall:"Honestly I just wanna stay at home and sleep"She said making all of us nod.

A Family Friend {Hailey Baldwin/You} - Completed ✔Where stories live. Discover now