Fears (II)

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Robins POV

I gained consciousness again but I was feeling weak. I felt sharp pangs in my abdomen. I needed food. Even though, we were not rich, mum and dad had never let Kieran and I go hungry. My lips were cracked and my tongue dry. How long has it been since I had water? Two days. What had even happened to me?
I remembered walking out of the Johnson home because Eli had said he was coming but I didn't take a flashlight because I didn't think anything would happen to me. I didn't think someone would drug me.
I could make out two people in front of me. I had a blinding headache I knew was related to me being hungry.

"Please, I need food and water" my voice sounded feeble but I had to ask. One came towards me and kicked me in the ribs. I groaned and cried out. What had I done to deserve this?

"Idiot! Why did you kick her?" spots were dancing in front of me and unconsciousness was threatening to take over. A third figure zeroed in on me. I just stared at him, wishing my spots to go away so I could see clearly.

"I'm sorry my dear. Help these days have no manners" He did sound sorry but he kidnapped me so that didn't matter.

"Please, let me go" my voice had turned raspy now. Crap.

"I'm sorry but I can't do that yet. You're worth a lot of money to me"

"My parents aren't rich!" I shouted and fell back, weaker than before. I needed food and water urgently.

"That may be true but your grandfather and uncle have a lot of money. I'll place the call today. Taunt them. Making sure I have them willing to do anything that I want then maybe we'll talk about how much they're gonna pay to get you back. In the mean time, I'll have these two idiots bring you food and water." The man left and one of the "help" followed him. I lay still because my ribs had started aching again. I was sure none was broken just a couple bruised but that didn't make me happy.
The second help had brought me something to eat. A cheese burger and water. He left me immediately. It took a lot of effort to eat but I managed. I drank the glassful of water in long, greedy gulps.
I sighed lying down. What was happening at home? How was mum and dad reacting now? What about Kieran? You've forgotten Eli. Oh Eli! I had missed him so much. Part of me wished he was here with me to comfort me but the other part didn't wish this kind of treatment on him. The door opened and the man who'd spoken to me earlier walked in.

"I hope they've fed you now"

"Yes" I answered unsure. My body was sore, I wanted to move away from him but I couldn't manage that.

"Good" he inched closer and then I saw it. He was holding a cloth. I watched helplessly as he pressed it to my face. The darkness was welcoming.

Eli's POV

Five days without Robin and life had been hell. I had started eating the second day after Robin was gone. I didn't want to but mum had put her foot down and ordered me too. I ate very little and mechanically. What was happening to her? Was she being fed? Treated properly? I sighed and walked through the halls of school. Julian was in one of his classes. The teachers had cut me some slack because of Robin's disappearance.

"Eli, are you alright?" I turned and faced Annaliese.
"I'm sorry that was a stupid thing to ask." I just nodded. What did she want? To gloat and tease me? I started walking away from her but she grabbed my arm.

"What do you want Anna?" I asked resigned.

"To say sorry about Robin's disappearance. I know you're miserable, Eli. I hope we find her soon."
I was surprised she said that. This was the caring Annaliese that everyone knew in middle school.

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