The ball

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Robin's POV

10 September

Dear Dani
It's been four days since I told Eli I didn't need him and guess what? I've been miserable. I see him sometimes and I just wanna go and tell him I didn't mean it but then again, he had no right to treat me like a stranger at school and make me hope..
I told Julian he doesn't have to spend time with me since he's torn between his best friend and I. He insisted on being there for me. Would you believe they convinced me to go to the ball! I know! I don't know why Annaliese invited me but Macy was insistent. We went shopping and got this beautiful dress at Jovani. It was love at first sight!
Eli's been hanging around Annaliese a lot. I sound like a stalker but it's just that, I thought we had something worthwhile. I guess I was just overwhelmed that boys were showing me attention. I have to go.

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