Mixed thoughts

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Eli's POV

I just couldn't believe it. Did Annaliese really have to update her status and tell everyone I had broken up with her? Tuesdays at school were pretty boring but Annaliese had riled up the school. She was a good actress too, playing the role of a pitiful wounded girl. I sat alone at lunch because suddenly I had become a bad guy, hurting the school's queen.

"Hi, Darren" I was startled when I heard the voice. Carlyle was smiling,  looking at me. I wondered where her boyfriend was. She looked peaceful and beautiful as the first day we met.

"Hi Carlyle "

"Don't look surprised, Darren. I could see you needed a friend "

"You and I ain't friends, Carlyle " I hoped it wasn't harsh but she just laughed. People were looking at us. Part of me was glad it wasn't Robin sitting here with me.

"We can be friends. I know I hurt you.  I'm sorry. I realised that your love was special and genuine only after I left. After you, every guy I met wanted just sex. Even though that was why I left you, I hated it that they couldn't see beyond my body like you did" I didn't know what to say. Carlyle looked remorseful now.

"Carlyle, it's in the past now. I've gotten over you leaving or the pain you wrought before going." I said, looking over at Robin's table. She looked serene as she wrote something quickly to Julian.

"You should go after her, Darren. Someone can snatch her away before you can say cheese"

"Maybe. She turned me down when I told her I loved her"

"Annaliese did her job well, Darren. If I was an innocent girl, like Robin, and you proposed to me, I would have turned you down because I believed Annaliese was worth more"

"I dated Annaliese because Robin didn't want me. She broke my heart that night when she turned me down." I took hold of Carlyle's hand. "The second girl to have ever done that" Carlyle blushed.

"Hey, I'm sorry. By the way, your ex is staring daggers at me. I think I better leave. See you around, Darren Johnson." She got up, and walked away.

"Carlyle! " I shouted, drawing attention to us but I didn't care. She turned, facing me, face unreadable.

"Yeah, Darren?"

Friends. I mouthed and she nodded, strutting into her boyfriend's arms.
I turned,  my gaze finding Robin's. Her mouth was set into a grim line and her eyes, hardening. I sighed. I got up and dumped my untouched food.

"Eli!" I groaned, stopping. I didn't want to deal with Julian right now. What did he want?

"Double J. What do you want? " I sounded too curt and harsh. He was my best friend for crying out loud. We promised that no girl would separate us. I was breaking that promise.

"Jeez, lighten up dude. I know you've been through a bad breakup so I'll let this attitude slide. Wanna hang out with Robin and me today? We're gonna catch a new movie. "

"I'm sorry but I can't. I'd like to be alone for awhile if you don't mind. I've got tons of homework to do."
Julian looked almost angry. I bit back a laugh. I should be angry. He knew how I felt about Robin but he was with her everyday.

"Who have you become? I thought you loved Robin. You think I'd invite you? She said we should include you because you just went through a breakup! I'd tell her you weren't interested.  See you later at the court"

Robin wanted to hang out with me. The words made my innards shake. I just turned her down. she might think I am not interested in her. what had I done? I sauntered off to my next class, feeling dejected.

Girl Next Door (Editing)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt