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Robin's POV

It had been a month since the decathlon. Apparently, celebrations run differently in Ophiuchus High. The school was thrown into a pandemonium of celebrations the week after competition. Videos were replayed after to the students and although I felt all shy about it, part of me was proud especially after the school awarded me with an honorary medal.
Eli remained distant and somehow I was getting over it and it didn't hurt anymore. Frederick and Macy were there to keep me happy. I appreciated it but whenever I saw Eli with Annaliese, my happiness was shortlived.
You gotta let go at some point in time. A little voice said in my head. I sighed. It was right. There  was no use loving and pinning after a guy who had a girlfriend.

"Are you alright, Robin?" I turned to face the owner of the voice. It was Double J. I hadn't seen much of him lately and I felt bad. I hope he didn't think I was pushing him away because of Eli.

"Why wouldn't I be? I'm fine, Incredible." He settled on the bench and wrapped his arms around me. Instinctively, I placed my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

"So why were you looking at them?"

"Huh? Who are you talking about? " I opened my eyes and looked at him. He looked as handsome as the first day I saw him. He shook his head in answer. "Come on, Incredible! I am not pretending.  I got no clue what you are talking about "

"Fine. Eli and Annaliese. Why were you staring at them? "

They're here?! I'd come to the park to escape traces of Eli and his girlfriend.  How could fate be so cruel as to bring them to this very park?
"I was preoccupied with my thoughts. I didn't even pay attention to my surroundings let alone realise that they were here"

"Come with me?" I didn't question Double J. I didn't have any reason to doubt him. He was my best friend.  If I couldn't trust him,  who at all could I trust?
I took his hand, holding on tight because my legs felt wobbly.

"They're looking at us. Wave and smile." He whispered and I stiffened. I just wanted to get out of here. I did as he said

"Race me if you can" He let go of me and started running.  Panic set in and I chased after him. I stubbed my toe and fell, scraping my knee badly. What on earth had possessed me to wear something short today?

"RoAn, are you alright?  Can you walk?" Double J helped me up when I nodded. I tried walking but the pain was too much.


"Shh! It's alright baby girl.  Incredible's got you" He lifted me effortlessly but gently. I met Eli's eyes and saw a pang of envy in them. I snuggled closer and closed my eyes trying to numb out the pain I felt.

"Wake up, RoAn" I stirred yawning, a little thankful to have slept through the pain. I was still in Double J's arms. I couldn't have been there all this while, could I? I looked at my knee. It was bandaged. I faced Double J, eyebrows raised questionly.

"I took a first aid class once" He didn't say anything else and I just laughed and kissed his cheek.

"So, where are we?" People were staring at us and I didn't feel comfortable.

"Just a little place I call my second home. I was feeling a bit hungry."
We stood in front of a quaint but beautiful family restaurant. It was closed but Julian didn't seem to mind. He entered anyway.

"I'm sorry but we are closed." A little woman said in a  heavy Italian accent.

"It's only me,  Liliana.  You won't turn me away, would you? I brought a friend by the way"

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