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Eli's POV

I didn't know what had hurt most. Robin not wanting to talk to me anymore after our first kiss or her walking around with Frederick. Annaliese looked satisfied with herself. I had survived two classes and my salad didn't look appetizing anymore.

"Eli, so I heard something" Matt said, sitting down by me. Annaliese was looking at us, no trace of shame in her eyes.

"I don't deal in rumors, Matt. You can save it" I played with my food.

"Eli, the rumor is about Robin. Don't you check Facebook and Twitter anymore?"

"Not really"

"Most of the posts talk about Robin's real dad. Something about him washing dishes for a living" I felt all the blood drain from my face. She didn't dare, did she? Annaliese blew me a kiss when I looked at her, triumph evident in her eyes. Lunch was over. I saw Frederick leaving with Robin. Macy still sat at the table.

"What are you doing here?" Her voice was curt not that I cared.

"Macy, whatever you do, don't let Robin see those Facebook and Twitter posts. It would break her heart" She looked at me, her hard eyes becoming soft and warm again.

"You love her" I nodded anyway, feeling myself blush.

"Don't let her see them. Tell your cousin too" I turned to walk away.

"He loves her too" I kept walking. If Robin was happy with Frederick so be it. I had Greek mythology. I wanted to skip that class and pretend I was sick but I didn't want to leave Robin alone in case someone hurt her. She sat in her spot and I saw her stiffen when I made a move to sit in front of her. I don't care. She doesn't want me anymore.
I wasn't paying attention till our names were mentioned. Robin got up with our report. She is a shy and quiet girl but she knew how to captivate an audience. My mind kept going back to last night. We kissed for crying out loud! How could she just throw that away!

"I must say, I didn't expect such a wonderful report Ms Richardson and Mr Johnson. You've outdone yourselves." Robin beamed with modest pride while I struggled to smile. I must admit, the other reports sounded lame compared to ours. Robin handed me a copy of our report and I nodded curtly. Hurt flashed in her eyed but I didn't bother paying attention. She said goodbye. She shouldn't know I won't bother her anymore.

"Now, settle down and let's talk about the Titans" Mr Smythe was as passionate as Robin had been. I doodled on my notebook, half tempted to write a note to Robin.
I dashed out of class and bumped into Julian.

"Eli! I was on way to find you" I sighed. He was acting weird.

"We have French together. You would have seen me in class"

"Actually, there is someone I want you to meet. Don't beat me afterwards please" he didn't sound sorry but pleased with himself. I was taking a book from my locker.

"Julian, Robin doesn't want anything to do with me. Don't push it"

"Hi Darren. Missed me?" I turned and my book fell instantly. I stood there with my jaw dropping. Julian snickered but I didn't pay heed to him. It was ....

"Carlyle" I managed to say. She smiled her exotic smile. It was the same one I'd fallen for. Her eyes looked the same. Green and sparkling. Her lips fuller and she had grown a bit tall.
I left them and walked to French by myself. Julian knew about our breakup. Why did he lead her to me? I sat at the back of the class. Not my usual spot but I knew Julian wouldn't be able to sit near me because the seats filled up fast.

J.J: I wanted you to see her before she caught you unaware.
That was a valid reason but I was still angry.
Me:she still caught me unaware. Julian! You know what she did! :-[
Carlyle had left after we broke up in sophomore. Everyone thought it was because of her moving away. No one would have suspected her of cheating. Not sweet, angelic Carlyle. My thought started to drift away. Was Robin like that? She had kissed Frederick before she kissed me. No! Robin was innocent. My mind seemed to argued. Carlyle was also innocent. I caught her looking at me. She gave me a big smile before blushing and turning away.
You know you still love her.
"Oh shut up" I said softly. Fortunately, the last bell rang and I waited for Mrs Dubois to step outside class before I did. I didn't need a detention slip.

"Darren, I want to talk to you!" I stopped walking, well aware everyone was looking at us. Why wouldn't they? We had been a golden couple once.

"Carlyle stop calling me that."

"You're called Darren. It's your name" I rolled my eyes.

"Everyone calls me Eli. You can learn to do same. What do you want?" I saw her inch closer to me and felt her hold on my hand

"I missed you Eli. Why do you think I came back?" I pulled away, half disgusted half wondering what she wanted. I bumped into Robin and Frederick. They were holding hands and looked so happy. My heart broke but I mustered a sneer of indifference on my face. If she wanted him, she could have him. Her face drained at the look on my face and I didn't care.
I'd stopped caring about her.
Caring just led to pain.
I got into my chevvie and drove home.

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