crappy day

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     Eli's POV

I groaned and opened my eyes. The clock read thirty minutes past five. Who didnt have a respect for good sleep? The knock kept repeating.

"Jeez, come in already!" I yelled but secretly prayed it wasn't my mum. I didn't want to be grounded again. The door opened and Julian Jackson,my best friend walked in.
"Man, what the heck? It's not even six!"

"My, my, someone is in a cranky mood. Maybe, we should  have skipped the party last night"

"We'd lose our reputation. How come you're chirpy in the morning. What kinda high did you get?"  I asked throwing off the covers and getting up.

"We have to jog today, Eli. We planned it. You chose Tuesdays. Don't tell me you've forgotten" Julian rolled his eyes. He was dressed in shorts and sporty Nike sneakers and a loose shirt.

"Remind me again why i greed to jog with you three times a week? I'm sure you must have brainwashed me or something." I changed quickly into comfortable clothes similar to Julian's.

"We have to keep in shape, Eli. How would the girls fall for our charms?" It was my turn to roll my eyes. When will Julian ever learn I wasn't interested in dating again? Besides m, girls who fell for looks were too shallow for my liking. Julian just laughed at me.

"Come on, let's go before I change my mind" We walked out of my room quietly because we didnt want a lecture from my mum.

"Eli, you have to loosen up. I think this jog is what you truly need" I knew what Julian was talking about. He had been my pal since we were kids and there were no secrets between us.  I'd been hurt by a girl once and there was no chance  I'd ever let my guard down.

"Hurry up boys. I'll have breakfast ready by the time you come back"

"Thanks mum. See ya" I kissed her cheek and Julian hugged her. He was like another son to her.

"Bye, Aunt Laurie"

" let's take the-"

I sighed. He was right. Exercise would help me loosen up but it didnt mean I liked it.
"Double J, I know to trail. Let's just go." We run in silence and I enjoyed it. Concentrate on your breathing, Eli. That's what matters.

"So, Eli. What do you think of Annaliese?" 

"Julian, Annaliese is dating Matt. Drop it" I pushed forward but he met my pace.

"Don't you check Facebook anymore? They broke up two weeks ago." Julian sounded like he knew a secret

"Julian what's that got to do with me?"

"Rumors has it that she's setting her sights on you my brother" I stopped running.

"Yikes!" Julian burst out laughing but I didnt see anything funny. Annaliese wasn't someone I would want a happy ever after with.

"I know. That's what I said"

"Julian, there's nothing funny about this. Annaliese isn't exactly capable of love" I continued my jog with my pal trailing behind me.

"I know, bro. Her body is capable of other things though. Junior year is going to be sweet!" I hated my day already. Sometimes I considered Julian the playboy.

"Double J, I don't want her body and I don't want her too. No offense but Annaliese has hooked up with almost everyone"

"Of course she has. Why do you think she's out for fresh meat? Namely, you of course. You're like the only virgin around.

"Double J! Did you have to say that aloud? Someone could have heard you." I answered a little angry but was interested in what else he wanted to say. He ignored me.

"Let's just go back home. I'll think better with food in my system." Double J nodded and decided to take the lead home. I followed him with thoughts shifting in my head. I could ask mum for a transfer to another school and I knew Double J would tag along but that wouldn't be fair on him. He'll lose his other pals and it won't be easy to start over in a new place.

"Eli, Julian, I've got some waffles ready on the dining table. Grab some juice from the fridge and I think I'll be alright if you showered before you eat" We laughed and headed upstairs to my room.

"Double J, use the guest room's bathroom and let's get some breakfast"

"I think you feel better already" Double J took off his shirt and shorts and took a robe from my closet. He had sets of clothes in my closet and I had a couple of clothes in his. That was how close we were.

"What makes you say that?"

"You're bossier than usual" He ducked before my pillow could hit him.

"I would have been alright if you hadn't told me about Annaliese. That girl is a menace and not really innocent." Double J had already left the room. Typical.

"Hi, dad." My dad patted my head as usual. I could swear, sometimes he forgot I was seventeen but I still liked it. Not that I'll ever tell Double J.

"How was your run, son? Did Double J give you any trouble?" I grinned as I saw Julian blush.

"I didn't do anything, Uncle Duncan" I handed him the maple syrup.

"I'm disappointed, Julian. You know, it's our life long duty to worry your brother " I shook my head and poured out some orange juice.

"Dad, that's not fair" We burst out laughing. My mum told us we were a handful sometimes and we made my dad get some ideas he shouldn't have. My dad was a paediatric surgeon and he was on his way to the hospital.

"Come on, Duncan. You don't want to be late for work. Julian, Elidamus, you're supposed to get your stationery and other school stuff." We all groaned. It was nice to imagine this vacation wasn't going to end soon but we had a couple of days more.

I noticed Julian looking outside and I got up to find out why. It was Ted McCurdy, my neighbor.

"Eli, it's Mr Ted. He has a bunch of boxes. Why don't we go and help him?" I shrugged and followed him. Mr Ted had people who helped him out but still reached out tous to help him with little things.

"Hi, Mr Ted. Anything we can help with?" Double J already had a box in his hands when I got there.

"Sure, Eli. Can you get the last box from my car? Be careful, it's a little heavy" I went to take the box he was pointing at. It was heavy but nothing I couldn't handle.

"Mr Ted, we thought you had everything when you moved in some days ago. Isn't that what you told us?" I rolled my eyes. Trust Double J to be nosy but he had my curiosity piqued.

"I do have everything I need boys. These are for my niece. She's coming to stay with me" Double J and I shared a look. Niece? Ted McCurdy had never mentioned anything about a niece before. He said his older sister is not yet married.
"She'll be going to Ophiuchus with you two."

"A freshman?" We loaded the boxes in a room that looked like a medical ward.

"No Julian. She's a junior. I'm guessing around your age. Anyway, thanks for the help boys".

" Any time, Mr Ted." I don't know why but I started wondering how this new girl would look like. It wasn't everyday that a new person moved into the neighborhood. I wish I'd spotted her picture in the house.

"You hear that, Eli? Someone new right next door to you. Hunters Creek is going to get interesting" I had a feeling Julian was right. Life was gonna get interesting. I just didn't know if it would be good or bad.

1313 words!!
Hey y'all the edits continues. Lemme know what you think about the chapters and the characters. Read comment and vote♥️

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