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     Eli's POV

I couldn't believe it. She had kissed him. Robin had kissed a total stranger. My head was spinning as I lay on my bed with soft rays of the sun parting through the curtains. I didn't sleep very well last night. Images of her kissing a total stranger filled my head whenever my eyes closed.
Frederick, wait! She ran into his arms and kissed him. I had felt something for Robin since the moment I saw her. It wasn't my fault i wanted to protect her from Annaliese. I hadn't done a good job too. Annaliese was still out for Robin.
I should have warned her about the paint. At least she would have wanted me back into her life. I felt my phone vibrate. It was Julian.

"Double J, it's barely morning. What do you want?" I shouldn't have sounded grumpy but I couldn't help it. I needed an outlet for my anger.

"Chill dude. I need you to open the door for me. Hurry, its sorta freezing" I rolled my eyes and went downstairs. I opened the door to see Julian in black hoodie jeans and sneakers.

"I ain't jogging today" I didnt wait for an answer and went back to my room. Predictably, he followed me. His eyes were a little hard.

"Why didnt you tell me?"

"Tell you about what, Double J?"

"Stop playing dumb! Why didn't you tell me about the paint?" I shrugged. He had a good point. Why hadn't I told him? Robin would have been warned. Maybe I felt vengeful because she said she didn't want me in her life anymore. Is revenge better than love? A small voice asked in my head. Carlyle. You ruined me.

"I didn't know till the ball was about to start. Gimme a break!"

"Eli, there is such a thing called cell phone. For crying out loud! You could have called me. What if that guy hadn't saved Robin? She would have been a laughingstock. Do you think she would have loved to stay here in Hunters creek if that happened?" Julian was fuming but he was right.

"I'm sorry okay?" I sat on the bed feeling dejected.

"Tell me everything"

"Julian -" He cut me off

"Don't Julian me. You were kind to this girl at first. You treated her equally even though she didnt have a penny to her name. She started school and you're treating her like she's the bride of Frankenstein" I sighed. Julian was scaring me.

"I wanted to protect her! That's why I ignored her. It was because I wanted her to feel good at Ophiuchus!"

"Ignoring her doesn't equal protecting her!" Our voices were getting a bit loud and I was starting to fear mum bursting in and reprimanding us.

"How did it protect her? You broke her heart!"

"I know I hurt her by ignoring her but Annaliese found out about her parents. She found out about how Robin is poor and she would have revealed it to everyone" I felt washed out but free. Julian knew the truth now.

"She wouldn't have cared, Eli. Robin believes in friendship. She confided in us the very first time she met. We meant a lot to her. You meant a lot to her" I looked at Julian sharply. His eyes were sad now. He sat on the bed too.

"What do you mean?" My voice was normal and my emotions were guarded. What was he talking about?

"Can't you see it? I have grown to care for Robin within the past week. Maybe I have fallen for her. I don't know. The feeling seems similar but Robin Andrea doesn't feel that way for me. She sees me as this brother she can run to when she needs a shoulder to lean on or she needs someone to wipe her tears away" His voice cracked and I felt horrible. "Robin is falling for you, Eli." I felt dizzy for a moment. Could that be true?

"I'm falling for her too" my voice was so soft I wasn't sure Julian heard me.

"I know. There's tension between two of you. Its Carlyle isn't it? She's why you don't wanna get very close to Robin. You fear you'd get hurt again" I nodded but I was hurt already.

"Julian, she kissed him!"

"What?! How sure are you?"

I hang my head." I saw her running into his arms and kissing him last night." Julian was as shocked as I had been last night.

"Eli, who are you talking to?" Mum's voice came through the door.

"Julian. We're discussing school"

"When did he come here? I don't remember him spending the night here"

"About twenty minutes ago"

"Breakfast in twenty. "

"Sure, mum"

"He saved her. You can't blame her she kissed him" I didn't understand Julian sometimes.

"I wish it had been me"

"You would. That guy was her first" Julian shrugged when I looked at him.

"She has never kissed?" My voice carried doubt.

"Yes. She told Macy and I. That guy is one lucky bloke"

"I wish it had been me" he nodded. " She gave me money for the journal. I guess she is true through with me.

"Don't say that, Eli. I'm sure you're gonna win Robin back."

"How? Looks bleak"

"That's what we're gonna figure out and work on. ", I nodded. Julian was an awesome pal. We heard mum call for breakfast and went downstairs.  I had French toast and Julian had some flapjacks. This morning was weird but with this talk, I was free.

" you think I should tell Robin about Annaliese? "

"I think so. I just hope she listens. Its so obvious you like each other" I blushed and focused on my food.

"Do you know who the guy is?"

"Yep. He's Macy's cousin."
We finished our breakfasts and had  a bath. It was half past seven when we decided to go to Ted's house. Flora answered on the third ring.

"What can I help you with, Eli?

"Can I talk to Robin please?"

,"She went over to Macy's. Anything else?"

"No, Flora. Thanks" she nodded and went back inside. No car had left the garage.

"Maybe she walked. Macy's house is nearby" Julian said reading my mind.

"Maybe. I'll tell her tomorrow at school"

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