leaving my life behind

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   Robin's POV

It was half past five when I dressed up. I walked into Kieran's room and placed the envelop under his pillow with a little note. I cried a little as I read the note again

     Goodbyes are always hard
     I'm sorry I was a coward to say it in person
     I'm gonna miss you so much
     Who's gonna worry me?
      Who's gonna hug me tight?
     I'm leaving you a little money
     Get a cheap phone but tell momma and dad
     I miss you already, Kieran

My dad was waiting for me downstairs. Momma was still asleep and I was thankful for that. I didn't need any more tears. It was time for a new page in my book.

"Here, let me hang onto that for you." I nodded and gave him my duffle bag.  "You look beautiful, Blue Robin" I smiled at his compliment. I was wearing some dark skinny jeans, a marine hoodie and blue sneakers.
We walked out of the house as quietly as we could. I had to catch the bus at six. Luckily enough, the bus station was near our home.

"Thanks, dad." I got a smile that shower off his dimples. I'd miss seeing them. The bus wasn't full and part of me didn't want to jump on it.

"Blue Robin, this is your plans ticket. Put it in your bag. When you're in the bus check your email. I think your uncle would send you some other important information. I'll miss you. Don't forget to call us" he hugged me so hard I felt suffocating but couldn't break free.

"I love you dad."

"I love you too Blue Robin". He broke free and slipped something on my right wrist. It was a charm bracelet and it looked expensive. He shook his head and I gave him a small smile and kissed his cheek. I took my bag back and hopped on the bus. He waved and I waved back. I sat quietly in the back, staring at the houses sullenly.
I took out my ticket. The flight was for first class and part of me figured uncle Ted had gotten it for me. I placed it back with a small sigh. I would have to tell him about how grateful I was. My silver charm caught my eye. It seemed to have a pinkish glow to it. I saw a teddy, a heart, a pony and a book.
  I took out a book so I wouldn't cry. Thirty minutes later, I was in Baltimore. It was six thirty and my flight was at seven fifteen. My tummy was grumbling which reminded me I hadn't taken in breakfast. Maybe I'd get something on the plane. I reasoned to myself.
I asked for directions to the airport from a kind couple. They seemed genuinely interested in me and took my email and gave me theirs making me promise to keep in touch. I was directed to a kiosk where I skipped the queue  and had my boarding pass processed.  I was whisked by security to board  the plane. It felt surreal and I liked it a little.

flight attendant directed me to 2B, my seat and waited on me. It felt weird and I was trying to act normal.  I was alone there and the steward showed me how to use some buttons. I decided to watch a movie. I requested for orange juice and sat watching my movie in silence.
An hour later I was bored. I didn't take the attendant's offer of a full meal but I chose some dessert. She brought me chocolate lava cake.
I drifted off half way. Another flight attendant woke me up telling me it was time to deboard the plane. I didn't really exploit traveling first class but it didnt matter. Something told me I'd be using it a lot.
I went to the lounge and checked my email. Earlier there was nothing from my uncle. I saw a new message from him.

There will be someone waiting outside the airport for you. He'll be holding a sign with your name. I hope you enjoyed your flight.

I held my duffle bag tighter and stepped out of the airport. True to his word, I saw someone with a sign that read Robin Andrea McCurdy Richardson . He looked quite young, probably in his early thirties. He was wearing a silver suit and looked handsome. I walked to him.

"Ms Robin?" He looked at me with very black eyes that made me feel like I shouldn't get on his bad side ever.

"Just Robin would do" He nodded and walked over to a black Audi R8. Kieran loved that car. "What's your name?" I asked as he opened my door for me.

"I'm Stanley, Robin" I got into the car and he followed suit. He barely talked on the trip to my new home. I just played with my bracelet and kept looking out the window. I was in Frisco. It didn't seem any different but I guess I would find out why it was called Paris of the West.

"Stanley, what do you do for my uncle?"

"I do so many things for him, Robin." He answered cryptically and I groaned. I saw a small smile forming on his lips.

"Can you tell me what my uncle is like? And what I should expect?"

"You'd have to make that judgement yourself when you meet him. I think you should expect to be treated like royalty, Robin. Your uncle is going to make you feel like a true princess. Anyway, we're here. This here is called Hunters Creek." He stopped in front of a beautiful but old fashioned family home. Momma wasn't kidding her brother wanted to raise me well.
Stanley got down first and opened my door. I smiled and thanked him. He wouldn't let me take my own bag and I shook my head. I followed his lead and walked towards the door of the house. That is till I heard a very masculine voice. 
I turned to see him but I think that was my undoing.
His dark eyes were intense and time seemed to freeze. I felt the wind knocked out of me and my heartbeat speeding up.

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