Wrong Love My Company

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I watched his body slowly rock back and forth. He banged his hand against his head and silently screamed at himself. At first, I couldn't make out what he was saying. Until I stepped closer and heard him whispering,

I am not crazy. I am not insane.

I realized I'd struck a nerve. I honestly felt bad for making him like this. I tentatively moved in front of him and bagan crouching down to his level. I placed a hand on his shoulder and he immediately tensed up and stopped speaking. His body was frozen in his fetal position. Then the most unexpected thing happened.

He laughed.

He rolled his head back against the fridge door and let out a genuine laugh. It was so strange and spontaneous. His chest moved up and down as he heartily cracked up.

"Why are you laughing...?" I questioned when his chuckling calmed.

"Because..." he smiled, "you really think that you're gonna get away from me." he started giggling under his breath. "I've given you everything. I made you happy with the gifts and the affection. I protected you. Even when you didn't know you needed it, Y/N! I made sure you were safe on every possible level!" he beat his fist against his open palm to emphasize. "I got rid of that no good son of a bitch you call a "husband". Do you want to know why? Huh?" He looked me in my eyes for an answer. I remained silent and just stared back at him.

"Because I care for you! I love you! I. Love. You! And you think you can treat me like this?!" I flinched at every word he said. "You think you can just leave me?!" he shook his head left and right in a violent fashion. "No, no baby girl! You ain't going nowhere!" he screamed.

Then he calmed, but a haunting smile was still on his face, "Do you hear me, Y/N? You ain't leaving me." he smirked evilly as an angry tear fell down his cheek.

I slowly got up from my knelt position and stepped back. He followed suit. He stood at the fridge while I continued to keep my distance. He balled his fists tightly and glared at me. I felt like a tiny lamb facing a wolf. We stood there just watching each other.

"The only way you're leaving me is if I say so..." He took a large lunge forward, ready to attack me.
I reflexively pulled the gun out of my waistband and aimed it directly at his head. We stood merely a foot apart.

"Don't!" I warned.

He looked shocked and slowly put his hands up in front of him.

"Whoa...What do you plan on doing with that?" he asked confused, "D-Did you plan to do this? To hurt me? Kill me?!-"

"If I needed to...yes. I don't want to have to kill you. I planned on getting my son and getting out of here safe and sound. So, if you plan on trying to stop me. I have about six good reasons why you should let me go." I nervously held the gun in my hand. I tried my hardest not to show my fear, but how in the world am I supposed to shoot him. I've never handled a weapon before. And I know that if I missed he will have the chance to overpower me and then kill me and my son.

"I'm not letting you leave, Y/N. I sure as hell ain't leaving either. So, you're gonna have to give me those six good reasons." he put his hands to his sides and stood confidently. "You know damn well that I can easily take you down. So, I really hope you know how to use that gun. This is your one and only chance to get rid of me, baby." he grinned. "So, c'mon. Pull the trigger." he stepped closer and placed his forehead on the muzzle of the pistol.

Twisted: Y/N and Trey SongzWhere stories live. Discover now