The Prices You Pay

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I was in the kitchen cooking spaghetti and garlic bread when Jordan came home.

"Baby!" Jordan called out, loudly.

I quickly rushed to him to shut him up.

"Bab-oh, there you are." he smiled at me and wrapped me in close to give me a kiss.

"Next time keep it down, please. Your son is sleeping, okay? He fell asleep on the car ride home." I pointed out walking back to the kitchen with Jordan hot on my trail.

"You won't believe the day I had today, babe." he said sitting down at the dinner table.

"What happened?" I asked pulling the tray of garlic bread from the oven.

"Well, you know that Trevor didn't show up today. So, I got stuck with a bunch of work. We kept calling his house and cell, but he just wouldn't pick up all morning. The next thing I know, I'm in my office filling out paperwork and in walks Trevor. He started hollering about how he's quitting because he can't work for a spineless man who doesn't know how to handle his business. And how I will get what's coming to me by being a coward. I was seconds away from ripping him a new one, but after he said what he said he left. But hell...another one bites the dust as they say." he relented. I looked at him in shock and confusion.

"I can't believe it. To think that you gave him a job like that just for him to call you spineless is low." I responded placing his plate of food in front of him.

"I know. It looks like I need to find a new assistant," he said biting into his garlic bread.

"I'm sorry about your day, baby. Don't worry there are plenty of people who would love to take his spot." I made myself a plate and sat across from him at the table.

"You know babe..." he trailed off.

"Hm?" I mumbled shoveling a forkful of spaghetti into my mouth.

"How have you been lately? I feel like I never ask how your day is going or what you do when I'm out and you're here alone." he sat back in his chair, "I'm all ears, babe. Tell me how you've been for the past few weeks."

I swallowed hard and played with my plate of food as I answered, "Well you know...I cook, clean, take Aidan back and forth to school, hang with Angie when she's free, sleep...not much really."

Forgot to mention that I also fucked that guy who called you a spineless man today during my spare time.

"That's all?" he asked concerned.

"...Yup. That's about all I do." I replied picking through my red pasta awkwardly.

"Hm. Interesting," he said returning to his food.

I didn't press it any further after that, afraid of what might be going through his head. His closing words stayed on my mind throughout the time we ate dinner. When I fed Aidan and even when we went to bed. It worried me a lot. But I had brushed it off by the time I woke up the next morning. I woke Aidan up to get him ready for school. We seemed to had gotten there early since there were barely any kids there yet.

I walked inside the building to see Ms. Valentine at the door to Aidan's classroom. She welcomed us with a warm smile,

"Well, hello Aidan! How are you this morning?" she asked bending down to his height.

"I'm good, Ms. Valentine." he answered giving a shy smile.

"Why don't you go play inside the classroom while I talk to your mommy," she suggested. He nodded his head and turned to me. I knelt down gave him a big kiss, hugged him and told him to be good. He nodded and ran off inside to play with his schoolmates. I stood up straight and looked to Ms. Valentine waiting for her to address me about whatever.

"Mrs. Calloway, I just wanted to let you know that Aidan is much more outspoken in class which is fantastic. But, I would also like to let you know that we are having our second career week for parents this week and Aidan is one of the last of the toddlers to have someone come you have anyone in mind that may want to represent him?" she gave me another one of those hopeful looks.

"I think my husband will be happy to come in and tell the kids about his work," I replied with positivity.

"That's just great!" she expressed enthusiastically. "I can't wait to finally meet your husband."

"Oh wow, I never realized you haven't met him yet." I was little disappointed, "You know what...? I will make sure he comes tomorrow, bright and early." I said reassuring her that he'd be there.

"That sounds perfect! I'll see you this afternoon Mrs. Calloway!"

"And I'll make sure you see my husband tomorrow," I affirmed on my way out to my car.

Twisted: Y/N and Trey SongzWhere stories live. Discover now