Where it all began

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As soon as I made it home, I placed my stuff down on the sofa and walked straight to my bedroom. I pulled my laptop from the bedside table, logged in and went to everyone's favorite search engine, Google.

I thought back to everything I'd seen today. First was the IDs.

I typed in the name of the mental facility Virginia State Mental Institution and Asylum. The first link that appeared led directly to the institution's website.

It described the place as a comfortable and peaceful institution that provides top of the line patient care and therapy for the mentally insane. It's stationed in the country side of the state and has helped and cured over 100,000 patients since 1924.

Seems like they forgot to cure one nut who is ruining my life. I searched every tab and put every reasonable topic in the search bar, but showed up empty handed. I sighed and rested my head in my hands. The only other way to get information out of these people is to call or go to the place. But I can't just up and leave the state. Especially knowing that the person I'm trying to get away from still has my son. I dialed the number on the screen and after several rings the was phone finally answered.

"Hello, you're contacting the Virginia State Mental Asylum and Institution. How may I assist you?" a man answered.

"Hi, uh, I was wondering if you have patient information available for a...Tremaine Neverson....?" I spoke carefully trying to remember his real name.

"Are you family to the patient?"

"Ummm," I know if I say yes he'll willingly give me the info I desperately need, "Yes, yes I am."

"Okay, I'll see what I can find." I heard loud clicking from the keyboard. I bit my nails impatiently and waited for him to speak again.


"Yes," I answered quickly.

"That patient was released in December of 2014 he'd made a full recovery. Wasn't your family notified...?"

"I don't think so...I mean I would never call you if I'd already been informed." I lied.

"I apologize ma'am, but I'm just a little concerned that we don't have you listed as a contact for him."

"Well...it's disappointing but my brother and I had a falling out before he went in and I told our mother to leave me out of his life entirely. I'm sorry about the mix up."

Damn I'm good.

"We apologize again Miss. Have a nice evening."

"One more question before you go...?"

"Of course!"

"What was he diagnosed with?"

"Well according to the records, when your brother came in he had an array of mental and behavioral disorders. He'd had some trouble with the law. He committed several acts of vandalism and stalking with a neighbor of his he actually went so far as to harm her pet. He went to court and was admitted to our facility for healing. We knew that he had a combination of uncontrollable intrusive thoughts that were triggered by OCD, an aggressive case of bipolar disorder and anger management issues. We gave him three types of anti depressants each progressively stronger than the other, but we found that his illnesses had a fluctuating pattern and it worked better if he took all three of them based on what strength he needed each day. He had psychiatric help from one of our doctors and he attended anger management therapy daily. Within a few months he'd made a full recovery and got permission to leave the facility." the man said with a hint of pride at the end.

"One last question, do you have any contact information for my mother? I haven't spoken to either of them and you're my last resort."

"I wish I could...but-"

"Please, please. I really need to speak to my family again you're the only one who can help me."

"Okay...I guess I can pull a few strings for you." he said defeated.

"Thank you so much!" I faked.

He recited her number into the phone and I wrote it down on a notepad near my bed. After I hung up, I called his mom immediately.

"Hello? Who's this?" a sweet country voice answered.

I cleared my throat, "Hi, ma'am. My name is Y/N Y/L/N Calloway and I need your help."

"Help with what? How did you get this number?"

"I sort of called the facility that your son was placed in, the mental institution..."

"What has he done now?! Is he okay?!"

"Miss, I need to know what happened before your son was placed inside the asylum. He's got my son and he's making my life a living hell. It could really help me save my chil-"

"You shouldn't have done what you did!"


"You should have never gotten involved with him! Tremaine has not been well since he was small. What he did to that poor girl..."

"Miss...?" he was silent. "Miss please..."

"He almost killed her that night. She was our neighbor for years. He'd met her once when they first moved into our neighborhood. I would always catch him watching her from his bedroom window. He was infatuated with her. He just wouldn't leave her alone. He left love notes and gifts in her car, in her locker at school and on her doorstep. He even asked her to the senior prom. But she rejected him and told him she had a boyfriend of five years that'd she'd be going with instead."

"The night of the prom, the girl came home and went to tidy herself up in the bathroom and found her dog handing from the shower rod, covered in blood." I heard her sob. "When she went to call the police and report what had happened he was standing at her doorway with a butcher's knife and he told her that if she didn't love him after all those years on he would make sure she loved him in death..."

I was speechless.

"Luckily, her father came into the room after he heard her scream. He stopped Trey from killing her."

"What happened after that...?" I pressed.

"We went to trial and Trey went on the stand and gave a detailed description of how in love he and that girl were and how they were going to elope the night of prom...so they labeled him a lunatic and saved him from some serious jail time. I thought that he was better the first time he got out-"

"The first time?"

She sighed, "Trey got released three months after he went in. The doctors were sure that he made a full recovery and you know all those facilities want is to make it seem like they have the best of the best and they're healing the ill. But after just two weeks in the outside world, he found her college campus that she unfortunately shared with her boyfriend from high school. He saw them together on campus and posed as a janitor for weeks. Then suddenly, her boyfriend goes missing one night. Trey had snuck into her dorm that same night and tried to get in bed with her for all but she called the campus police and they sent him back to the crazy house."

"Did they ever find her boyfriend?"

"What do you think? Even if they did, I'm sure he wouldn't be found alive..."

Twisted: Y/N and Trey SongzWhere stories live. Discover now