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It's been two weeks or so into my little affair with Trey. I never thought I'd be the type to cheat on my husband, but shit happens, right? It's hard for me to escape the fact that I'm doing this since Jordan calls very frequently.

I've learned that Trey is a cool character. And the sex...oh Lord! The sex is amazing. Jordan is a great sex partner, but with Trey it's as if my needs are his top priority before he gets himself off. Sex with Trey is exciting and adventurous. We've had sex in his kitchen, we've done bondage, and once I showed up to his place in nothing but a trench coat and lingerie. When we fuck it's wild and mind blowing. There's just never a dull moment with him.

However, because of my sex affair with Trey I've been neglecting my best friend. So, Angela and I are gonna spend the day together to catch up.

I picked her up and we decided to go to the new outlet they built just outside our city.

"Jeez Y/N, what have you been up to?"

"I've just been busy, you know...?" I trailed off. A small smile appeared on my face. I looked to the ground to hide my blushing cheeks.

"Oh. My. God!" Angela said stopping.

"What?" I asked worried.

"You're still fucking that guy from the club!" she exclaimed. I quickly put my hand over her mouth and shushed her.

"Damn Angela! Let the entire world know!" I spazzed.

"I'm sorry." she giggled, "I just didn't think you had it in you to have a side piece."

"Yeah me neither." I agreed walking inside an upcoming store.

"So..." she began as I scoured through clothing racks.

"So what...?" I asked.

She gave me an annoyed look, "How's the ding a-ling?" she urged. "Is it award winning or some mediocre indie film?"

"Honey, it's worth every award in the entertainment industry. I guess that's why I keep going back to it." I blushed.

"Don't tell me you're falling for him, Y/N." she said sadly.

"Hell no Angie. He's great in bed and all and he's a cool guy, but he ain't my husband." I retorted.

I walked over to some shelves stocked with cameras. I used to take photography in high school and college, but when I got married and had a child I lost time to do it. So I wound up selling my camera. Angela gazed at me as I observed the beautiful black Canon camera.

"Why did you ever give up on photography? You were so good at it and you loved it."

"More important things just got in the way. I would go back to it if I had the time." I placed the camera back on the shelf and we walked out the store to grab lunch.

We decided on eating Chinese food. We sat at an outside table and talked some more before we headed home.

I had to go to Aidan's school and pick him up.

When I got there, Aidan was playing on the schoolyard with his friends. I walked up to his teacher and went to sign him out. She's a tall, thin and young white woman.

"Hi Mrs. Valentine!" I smiled.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Calloway!" she said handing me a clipboard with the sign out sheet attached. I signed my name and handed it back. Before I turned to leave, she stopped me, "Mrs. Calloway?"


"Could I have a word with you? It's nothing too serious." she replied.

Twisted: Y/N and Trey SongzWhere stories live. Discover now