Tired of Being Lonely

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A new day begins and yet again I wake up to the sight of an empty bed, minus a few wrinkles in the duvet...it looked identical to the space I saw before I fell asleep last night. It's like the sheets haven't even been touched. Cold to the touch, like a ghost replaced the body that was supposed to be there.

My husband, Jordan Calloway, is the star at his office. And his title as a talented stockbroker comes with having to spend several hours in that building working his ass off. Jordan knows the market like the back of his hand. Those red and green arrows are like a drug. When his clients see green he's happy. When his investment advice goes bad, he's just as down.

It's not like his job isn't lucrative, though. He, our son Aidan, and I live a great life, or at least a financially stable life. Since, Jordan is never here I'm left with the option of caring for our son on my own. There have been countless occasions when Aidan has cried for Jordan's attention, but his wishes just couldn't be granted. Aidan just wants to be picked up by his daddy or simply see his face before he goes to sleep at night. And every night I have to lie to him. It's the same routine. Aidan throws a tantrum right before bedtime. He will scream and cry about how much he wants daddy. Then, in order to stop my growing headache and give my baby peace of mind...I lie. It's a little white lie, but I hate having to tell it.

'Just close your eyes for a little while baby. When you open them, daddy will be standing right in the doorway' I'll say or some variation of it.

It's all because Jordan sees his job as a more important task than having quality family time.

I'm alone all day, I'm bored, and I'm unsatisfied when it comes to sex and romance. I've been biting my tongue. Jordan's late night shifts and early morning rises are ruining our marriage and I've had enough. I need him to understand that I'm tired of being a sexually frustrated and distressed. As my husband, he should feel obligated to make me feel good where and when I please...or at least on a weekly basis.
So, when he comes home tonight, I'll show him just how I'm feeling. But right now, I need to be a mother.

I walked to Aidan's room and saw he was in his bed asleep. It's 8:30am and he has to be at daycare in an hour. So I'll just wake him up and get him ready. He only goes on certain days in the week that I want to myself. Since I don't work anymore, I get a lot of alone time and mommy & me time.

I had quit my job per Jordan's request. I worked at a group home with children who had behavioral and mental disabilities. When I got the news about my pregnancy, I knew working in that environment would be dangerous for me, but I loved those kids. I didn't really care that they were a possible danger I just knew I had built connections with them and I loved being around them. However, Jordan told me to reconsider my decision to stay until I got maternity leave.

"What if one of the kids has a tantrum and kicks you or punches you in the stomach, Y/N?"

"Yes that can happen, Jordan. But—"

"There is no "but". You need to quit your job. This is our child's life we are talking about. Your life, too. Think about this...'

He was right. My child's wellbeing came first and if something were to happen, I would've been devastated. So, I quit. Plus, Jordan reassured me that his job paid more than enough to live how we wanted to and that was all the convincing I needed. What he didn't tell me was that I could never return to my job after having our son. Now, we end up here.

"Hey puddin'." I smiled. "You sleep okay?" I asked picking him up from his bed.

He rubbed his tired eyes and nodded yes. I washed him up, dressed him for the day, fed him breakfast and made sure he had everything for school.

Twisted: Y/N and Trey SongzWhere stories live. Discover now